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  • New World: These 4 Locations Are Highly Recommend For Gold Farming In Season 5

    Posted: Apr 26, 2024

    Greeting, fellow players! Today, I'm excited to share you 4 raw resources you can farm in specific locations to accumulate significant wealth in New World Season 5. Despite the drop in overall pricing in crafting, there are still straightforward methods to amass gold. Let me introduce them to you.

    Valuable Resources

    For gold making in the New World Season 5, the raw resources are the most important to focus on. After carefully analyzing the market, I identified the most valuable resources for gold-making. On my server, the top 4 resources are Ironwood, Lodestone, Dark Hide, and Orichalcum Ore.

    Ironwood stands out as the most lucrative, followed by Loadstone, which commands a price of 64 each. While Dark Hide is less expensive, its abundance makes it a worthwhile addition to the list, offering quick returns. Lastly, the Orichalcum Ore, though less profitable, remains notable for its availability.

    In the subsequent section of this guide, I will outline the 4 optimal locations for harvesting these 4 resources and then vendor for large number of wealth. By doing so, you can ensure that you are making the most efficient use of your time while gathering these valuable materials.

    1. Edengrove - Ironwood

    Let's start by discussing prime locations for farming the Ironwood trees. One of the most favorable spots is found in Edengrove. Begin your journey at the Spirit Shrine, then proceed a short distance northward, circling through the area.

    In this location, you'll encounter a generous abundance of the Ironwood trees ripe for harvesting. Don't forget to leverage your consumables or, in some cases, utilize some of your New World Coins to optimize your overall output during this endeavor.

    2. Weaver's Fen - Loadstone

    Let's talk about the Loadstone, a well-known resource in the New World. Head to the Weaver's Fen, just north of Glacial Tarn Shrine. If you open your map, you'll see a prime area for Loadstone farming. Start in a small circle, head north, and follow the direction.

    As you traverse, you'll encounter an abundance of Loadstone nodes. This area stands out as arguably the optimal spot for Loadstone farming, promising swift and bountiful returns. If you're seeking rapid profits, investing your time and effort into harvesting Loadstone is undoubtedly worthwhile.

    3. Elysian Wilds - Dark Hide

    Continuing forward, let's explore one of the preferred regions for harvesting Dark Hide: the Elysan Wilds area, particularly in the upper right quadrant. While the entire map offers abundant Dark Hide, should you desire a more concentrated endeavor, directing your efforts to this specific locale proves fruitful.

    For those desiring a more targeted approach, directing your efforts towards the Alligators inhabiting this area yields significant advantages. I strongly advocate for the use of a spear when engaging these creatures, as it notably enhances efficiency and facilitates the collection process.

    4. Reekwater - Orichalcum Ore

    Last but not least, for farming the Orichalcum Ore, we need to head to the lower right corner of Reekwater and there will be an abundance of resource. Head straight down, encountering a significant concentration of Orichalcum Ore Veins. While there are multiple locations to mine this resource, this area is to be the most condensed and efficient.

    I recommend mining before the Operas event and maximizing the yield. After mining the entire line of Orichalcum Ore Veins, join the Opera event, and upon completion, return to mine them again. This cycle repeats seamlessly. For those seeking optimal efficiency in farming Orichalcum, this spot in the lower right corner of Reekwater is undoubtedly the best choice.

  • Fallout 76: Follow The Process To Obtain A Substantial Amount Of Fusion Cores

    Posted: Apr 26, 2024

    This time, let’s delve into how to get an endless supply of fusion cores in Fallout 76. In order to obtain fusion cores, you need to set up workshops at the following 3 locations: Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, Thunder Mountain Power Plant and the Monongah Power Plant.

    With this guide, you can yield about 24 fusion cores every hour. You may be wondering how we can obtain such an abundance of fusion cores. So I will uncover the truth behind this mystery.

    Fusion Core Processors

    When you arrive at these locations, you'll notice an event called Powering Up has begun. However, we're not going to do this. Pay attention to the fusion core processors you'll find in these locations. These processors yield 24 fusion cores per hour, but here's the catch: they're active in all 3 locations simultaneously.

    In other words, you can expect to get about 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes from each location. However, having the Contractor perk can significantly enhance your efficiency. This perk reduces the materials required for crafting workshop items by 50%, which is incredibly beneficial.

    So, if you have this perk, make sure to equip it. Now, let's craft the generators and other necessary items. Keep in mind that this process will cost you some caps. Once you've claimed the workshop, it'll take about 20 to 30 seconds for the claim to be confirmed.

    Then you have the workshop at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 is now under your control. Of course, don’t forget to keep some Fallout 76 Bottle Caps with you to get what you need.

    Build Generators

    These fusion core processors require 100 power to operate. So, let's switch to building generators. However, the basic generators only produce 12 power. If you don't already have the plan for them, you'll need to find it. Once you've obtained it, place the generator down and wire it up.

    You might need to adjust its placement to ensure it functions properly. Once connected, the generator will start producing fusion cores. You can expect around 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes, or one fusion core every 7 and a half minutes. Make sure to repeat this process for all 3 locations. Keep in mind to return regularly to protect your setup, as others may attempt to damage it.

    Bob The Builder

    Now, we're going to the Monongah Power Plant. Switch into Bob the Builder mode and get to work. Our final destination is the Thunder Mountain Power Plant. First, we'll need to clear out the baddies, then we can start building. Find the fusion core processor and let's spend another 25 caps and get it going.

    Once everything's set up, we'll start a timer and we'll see how many fusion cores we can gather using this method. Just hop between these 3 locations, and you'll rack up fusion cores in no time. And one more tip that keeps an eye out for fusion cores in the wild while you're playing naturally. It's a great way to stock up while you're waiting for the extractors to do their thing.

    While return to the Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, the player obtains 3 more fusion cores, bringing the total to 21. However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when 3 Scorchbeasts suddenly appear, forcing the player to defend the Poseidon Energy Plant.

    Despite facing challenges and setbacks, including multiple attempts to defeat the Scorchbeasts, the player perseveres. Eventually, the event is completed, and the player repairs the power plant and the player resolves to continue their efforts. We ended off with 3 more and that puts us, in about an hour, we can get about 24 fusion cores.

  • WOW Classic SOD: How To Complete The Sunken Temple Raid As A Frost Mage In Phase 3?

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Welcome, fellow players! Allow me to present a guide on Frost Mage raid DPS in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3. The Frost Mage has undergone a significant transformation, developing from one of the least effective DPS specs for raiding to a pivotal role in your raid, particularly if you have multiple Mages. At the highest level, Frost Mage performance is currently highly competitive.

    Frost Mage Explained

    Frost Mage is now using Frostfire Bolt for its main rotation. Frostfire Bolt is scaling insanely hard, and it gains 100% bonus from your spell power. As the name suggests, Frostfire Bolt is both Frost and Fire damage. This means it benefits from both Winter's Chill and Improved Scorch. Your Frostfire Bolt will benefit from the 10% increased critical strike chance from Winter's Chill and the 15% increased fire damage from Improved Scorch.

    The cool thing about Frostfire Bolt is it will stack Winter's Chill for you. So, unlike with Fire, where you have to maintain Scorch stacks, Frost can face roll Frostfire Bolt. If you have 2 or more Mages in your raid, it is better overall raid DPS for you to have 1 Fire Mage and 1 Frost Mage to maintain these debuffs.

    Talents & Runes

    Let's then talk about the talents. The main debate here is whether you take the Ice Barrier or not. I found the Ice Barrier very helpful in Sunken Temple. Though there are many bosses that do AOE damage that will cause pushback, pre-casting Ice Barrier on pull was preventing that pushback quite a lot and helping the DPS.

    If you do not want to play Ice Barrier, you can put a point in Flame Throwing for the 3 extra yards on your Fire spell, or maybe Burning Souls for the reduced threat. To aid you more when encounter the bosses, take some WoW SOD Gold along with you is essential.

    For runes, we are using Living Bomb, Molten Armor, Spell Power, Icy Veins, Frostfire Bolt, Fingers of Frost, and Deep Freeze. There can be an argument to run Burnout and just ignore Fingers of Frost and Deep Freeze, since there's a lot of RNG around Fingers of Frost proc.

    World Buffs & Consumables

    For consumables, you want the following buffs: the Sunken Temple World Buff, Darkmoon Faire buffs, Songflower Serenade Buff, and Atal'ai Mojo of Forbidden Magic. Keep in mind that these do not stack with Blasted Lands Flask, so I will not be listing Blasted Lands Flask.

    Additionally, you'll need Lesser Wizard Oil, Superior Mana Potions, Greater Arcane Elixir, Nightfin Soup, Dragonbreath Chili (which scales with spell damage), Elixir of Firepower, and Elixir of Frost Power.

    To clarify how Frostfire Bolt works with spell damage scaling: it will only scale off of the highest of the 2 spell damages. So, if you have 13 fire damage and 42 Frost damage, Frostfire Bolt will only gain the +42 Frost damage. It doesn’t double dip into both Fire and the Frost damage. The only reason we are running Elixir of Firepower is because it buffs our Living Bomb.

    Read More: These Consumables For Alchemy You Can't Miss During WOW Season Of Discovery Phase 3


    For professions, I recommend you take 2 of the following 4 professions: Tailoring, Engineering, Enchanting, or Alchemy. All of them have amazing things that provide us with great raid buffs. The 2 I recommend most is the Tailoring and Engineering, but that is a personal choice. Pick any of the 2 you prefer.

    Tips And Tricks

    Cold Snap does so well for a number of reasons. One, it refreshes the cooldown on Icy Veins, so on fights you have Cold Snap up for, you can use 2 Icy Veins. You can save Cold Snap for Avatar of Hakkar, not because of Icy Veins, but because of Ice Block.

    You can Ice Block off the blood effect, and it won't transfer to your raid, which is a massive uptime increase if you happen to get blood twice. Having Cold Snap for this fight will allow you to Ice Block twice. Many bosses do random AOE damage. Pre-cast Ice Barrier on yourself before the pull, and if you're in a fight where loads of extra damage are going out, don't be afraid to recast it during the fight.

  • Fallout 76: Why Is Light Machine Gun Your Key To Victory In Combat?

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Light Machine Gun is a unique weapon in Fallout 76. It has a very high rate of fire, but you can also use it very accurately. This is by far the best machine gun in the game. In this guide, I’ll cover why it’s so great and show you how to use it for the best results.

    Light Machine Gun Explained

    First, LMG is closely related to German MG42 machine gun from World War II. It was so effective that German infantry squad tactics were entirely machine gun-centric. Fallout 76 faithfully recreates what made MG42 great through LMG.

    We can start looking for plans starting at level 30. There are many enemies that drop plans in the southern or eastern areas of the map. But by far the easiest way to get this plan is to buy it from Responders Vendor located at Whitespring Resort. It costs quite a few Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, so stocking up on enough currency is crucial.

    The weapon is classified as a Heavy Gun, so it benefits from all heavy weapon perks, including Stabilized for extra accuracy and armor penetration in Power Armor.

    Pros & Cons

    So what makes it so great? Shoot it once and you’ll immediately see one of its advantages.

    MG42 is known for its extremely high rate of fire, and so is LMG, which has one of the fastest rates of fire in the game. Currently, only Gatling Laser or Minigun can fire faster than it.

    But the advantage of Light Machine Gun is that it does not require wind up. You just point and instantly fire a bullet at whatever object you want to destroy. And the damage of its bullets is about 50% higher than that of Minigun.

    All in all, Light Machine Gun is Heavy Gun with the highest DPS in the game. This is indeed proven in practice. If I aim correctly, I can kill any normal enemy with LMG, and it’s about as fast as killing a normal enemy with Railway Rifle. This is so fast.

    Meanwhile, for a machine gun, its accuracy is also very high. It hits where you point it and is largely error-free. This makes it almost usable as a combat sniper.

    If you try to hit an enemy with a .50 caliber or Minigun from a distance, you’ll see how accurate Light Machine Gun is in comparison. No rapid fire weapon can achieve this level of accuracy without the use of VATS.

    But I have to mention that its major disadvantage is the relatively small magazine size, which can only hold 75 rounds. You might think that’s enough, but LMG has a very high rate of fire. So complaints about how often you need to reload are actually pretty common.

    Another issue is the high Action Point cost in VATS. You’ll notice your AP drop to zero instantly. But to be fair, all Heavy Guns are very expensive in VATS. You should accept lower accuracy for a high rate of fire.

    Tips For Use

    So you have a weapon with an unusually high rate of fire and accuracy, but a small magazine. The last thing you want to do with this weapon is spray and pray, unless the enemy is right in front of you and you won’t miss it.

    One trick you can use is to immediately aim down the sights, even while the animation is still going on, to make the gun instantly more accurate. Aim and fire, and the muzzle will climb up and tilt slightly to the right. You can actually counter muzzle climb by moving your mouse or controller to continue shooting at the same location.

    Since controlling the climb up is a little difficult, I recommend aiming for the chest and letting the muzzle climb up while controlling the lateral movement. If you hit the first one, it will stun the enemy for a second. You can then re-aim and go for a second burst. Most normal enemies will usually go down after two or three bursts.

    The closer the enemy is, the longer you can fire. So this means you should keep a shorter distance when fighting distant enemies.

    Because aiming down blocks your view, another option if you get stuck is to switch to third person. It’s actually better suited for longer bursts, as you can better track whether the gun is still aimed at the enemy.

    The downside is that the bullets are actually fired from your gun, so against very close enemies you may find that the bullets may not go exactly where you want them to.

    Overall, Light Machine Gun is great for running and gunning. The combination of high damage and high rate of fire means you can run around taking short shots at enemies you encounter, as few enemies will require you to pause for more than a few seconds.


    LMG only has a few mods. You can add Muzzle Breaks and Prime Receivers for extra damage. Typically, one drawback of Prime Receiver is the need to provide Ultracite ammo. But ammo is especially important for LMG, whether you have it ready or not, because it’s in high demand.

    Besides crafting, you can also use Hunting Rifle to collect ammo. Because it’s so powerful, you’ll get extra ammo with each kill. You can then spend it on LMG.

    Legendary Weapon Effects

    As always, which works best is a matter of personal preference, but I’ll give you some of my own thoughts.

    Something that boosts damage, like Aristocrats or Bloodied, is great for the first star since the weapon has high base damage.

    Anti-Armor is also good, although if you combine it with Stabilized perk and Power Armor, this should give you about 70% less armor, but aside from Power Armor, it’s still as good as ever.

    But I personally recommend using Holy Fire, because the flamer has an area of effect, so you can point directly in the general direction of the enemy.

    The second star is the most interesting. Explosive will give you a noticeable damage boost, but if you follow my advice and go for short-range controlled bursts, the explosions will actually interfere with your ability to aim.

    Rapid is especially useful because the increase in rate of fire is scaled with the normal rate of fire. So a 25% increase in rate of fire makes a big difference. On LMG, it has a rate of fire of just over 200, which is faster than Gatling Laser or Minigun.

    Hitman is another good choice if you want to aim like I recommend. You gain 25% increased damage when aiming. If you know how to collect ammo, Faster Fire may be a better choice.

    There are no amazing options for the third star. But Rapid Reload is a good choice since you need to reload often. But I also found that if you have Speed Demon Mutation, your reload speed is just a little faster.

    If you use a lot of heavy weapons, you probably already use Bear Arms perk, so Weight Reduction is nice but not required.

    Personally, I would choose Aristocrats or Bloodied, Faster Fire, Rapid Reload as a close to ideal three star.


    In short, Light Machine Gun is a unique weapon because it has a very high rate of fire, but if you use it properly, it is also much more accurate than you might think.

    In practice, if you use them outside of VATS, they feel like the heavy weapon equivalent to a handmade or combat rifle. If you like running and gunning, then this LMG is definitely for you.

  • WOW Cataclysm Classic: Follow 8 Valuable Advices To Quickly Level Up In The New Expansion

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Today, we will take an analysis of several key information to help you grasp the upgrade process before the WoW Cataclysm Classic releases on May 20. Compared to previous expansions like the Wrath of the Lich King and the Burning Crusade, the upcoming new expansion of WoW Cataclysm Classic takes less time to level up.

    1. Pick A Leveling Path

    You have the option to team up with friends or play solo. Grouping provides additional experience and rewards, while solo play still allows for efficient leveling by following optimized routes. Complete quests and dungeons quickly to advance as fast as you can. Enjoy the new expansion at your preferred pace.

    2. Choose The First Zone

    To start the game, you need to pick your first zone. There are 2 zones that you can to pick from, with the Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir. Mount Hyjal has been teased for quite some time throughout the early stages of WoW Classic, and before we got the zone, we got the raid in the Burning Crusade.

    The Mount Hyjal will probably be the fastest route to be at Level 85, but for the Vashj'ir, the underwater zone, is one of the most beautiful locations in WoW Classic, and all the quests are extremely fun. Choose one and explore. Additionally, prepare for sufficient amount of WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold in advance is also a good idea!

    3. Experience The Dungeons

    The quest lines in the dungeons are very lucrative in terms of experience and gear. I highly recommend playing the dungeons while leveling to learn the mechanics, encounter the bosses, and practice your rotations. Besides that, they offer a fresh and enjoyable experience, so why not give them a try?

    4. Avoid Dungeon Farming

    The next tips I want to tell you is, don't farm in dungeons. Questing experience has been exponentially better than just farming dungeons on the beta thus far. I'm sure many players don't enjoy farming through dungeons over and over again, especially when there are only 2 dungeons before you reach Level 83. Even then, there are only 2 unlocked until you reach Level 85.

    5. Keep The Pre-Quests

    Keep all of your pre-quests until you are close to Level 82. Whichever zone you pick to level in first, you should be leaving that zone with about 500,000 XP left to Level 82 and turning in your pre-quests. Now you could do this before you even start to level and get 500,000 XP into Level 81, but I don't recommend this path.

    6. Open New Zones

    New zones are now gated by level in the new expansion of WoW Cataclysm Classic. Whereas in previous expansions, you could go to any zone you wanted, easily kill mobs and then level up. You won't be able to get into certain zones or quest in zones until you hit a specific level.

    Each zone has a small cut scene before you can enter it and start questing, except for Twilight Highlands, which has a long quest chain in Orgrimmar or Stormwind before sending you into Twilight Highlands. Deepholm is not accessible until Level 82, Uldum at Level 83, and Twilight Highlands at Level 84. Try to complete each zone you're in before moving to the next.

    7. Gain Reputation

    Reputation is very important in the early stages of WoW Cataclysm Classic, and you'll want to get as much as you can while questing so you don't have to spam dungeons just for reputation or do all these quests at Level 85. Here is the experience breakdown by level:

    • Level 80-81: 1.7 million XP
    • Level 81-82: 2.1 million XP
    • Level 82-83: 4 million XP
    • Level 83-84: 5.2 million XP
    • Level 84-85: 9.1 million XP

    The experience per level goes up exponentially. My recommendation for leveling is the following: Level in Mount Hyjal or Vashj'ir until you hit Level 82, move into Deepholm and unlock the Therazane reputation vendors. From there, quest in Uldum until you do most of the zone or complete it, and then start the Twilight Highlands and go until you're 85.

    8. Change The Gear

    Be prepared to throw away your gear for the previous expansions. Most of your gear will be replaced by Level 85. None of them compare to the simply insanely powerful pieces you'll get at max level. While it's going to be sad to lose that Shadowmourne or Val'anyr, just know that those weapons will always have a place in your bag.

  • EA FC 24: Some Key Points On How To Prepare For The Premier League TOTS

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Hi, players! In this guide, I'll give you some key information for EA FC 24. With the Team of the Season (TOTS) Live is already on PS, it's time to get ready for the Premier League Team of the Season this Friday. So, let's get started!

    Dynamic Upgrades In TOTS Live

    Team of the Season Live is a new concept introduced this year. Unlike the traditional Team of the Season releases, where players receive static ratings, Team of the Season Live cards have the potential for dynamic upgrades based on their squad's performance in upcoming Premier League TOTS.

    For example, let's consider Kai Havertz's card, which boasts impressive stats, including 91 Defending and a 5-star weak foot. If his squad, Arsenal, meets the criteria for upgrades, his card could become even more formidable. This dynamic aspect adds an exciting element to the promo, as players' performances directly affect their in-game ratings.

    However, it's worth noting that the Team of the Season Live cards are exclusive to this promo and won't be available during the Premier League Team of the Season releases. Therefore, it remains to be seen how the stats of players featured in those releases will compare.

    Rivals & FUT Champions

    If you're skilled enough to qualify for FUT Champions, it's essential to participate. With only 20 games required, it's manageable to complete and offers significant rewards. Skilled players can earn 3 Team of the Season Live player picks, with 5 choices each, totaling 15 options. These picks can yield high-rated players like 85x5 or 87x2, along with valuable packs such as 50k packs and 125k packs.

    Aim to reach higher ranks at FUT Champions to unlock better rewards. Achieving 60 points, or rank 4, ensures you receive 3 Team of the Season Live players pack. Therefore, it's crucial to perform your best and strive for higher ranks to maximize your rewards. It’s also important to invest in some EA FC 24 Coins to enhance your players’ abilities.

    Squad Building Challenges

    The last thing that is very important is to do some SBCs. The 86+ Double Upgrade is repeatable twice, and it gives you 2 86+ players. You have to submit an 83 team and an 84 team as well. And I think most of you will have some Fodder in your team, and otherwise it's very easy to obtain Fodder while doing those objectives.

    But then there's another one called the 82+ x11 Major Leagues Upgrade. It contains 11 rare gold players, all 82 or above, from the Premier League, League 1, Serie A, Bundesliga, or La Liga. So, well, please do this SBC as it is an insane pack.

    If you have the patience to wait a few weeks, I would highly recommend it, because when the Premier League Teams of the Season comes in packs, you will be looking to get some of those cards because they will add most of the great players, most of the best players in the Premier League TOTS.

    Pro Tips

    Completing objectives is the easiest way to earn substantial rewards. For example, in Season Progress, you can unlock lucrative packs like a 100K pack or an 83x20 pack by grinding through the objectives. Look out for specific objectives like the Ultimate Birthday Champions Bonus, where scoring 200 goals in Rivals or FUT Champions can yield rewards like an 87x4 pack.

    Take advantage of limited-time objectives like the Team of the Season Warm Up. By winning games in Squad Battles, Rivals, or FUT Champions, you can earn rewards such as Premier League packs and high-rated players like John McGinn. Completing the objectives requires meeting certain criteria, such as including specific players in your starting lineup or achieving specific gameplay milestones.

    Keep an eye on upcoming objectives and events to ensure you don't miss out on valuable rewards. By staying active in EA FC 24 and completing objectives regularly, you can maximize your chances of obtaining desirable rewards and improving your squad.

  • New World: A Detailed Guide To Springtide Bloom Event 2024

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Dear adventurers, this year’s Springtide Bloom Event is back in New World Aeternum. You have until April 30th to get involved! This event asks you to help Bloom Herald uncover the mysteries of the ethereal Wispybloom to earn new and returning event-specific rewards.

    You need to visit some villages to start quests, earn reputation, and buy items in event-specific shops. In addition, you also need to make Wispy Spritz, because there will be swarms of Wispy Wasps guarding the blooms during harvest! You can use Spritz to lure Wasps into blast radius to kill them, and harvest Wispy Wasp Goo in exchange for Springtide Tokens.

    In this guide, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about this year’s New World Springtide Bloom Event!

    All Events Locations

    Before jumping in, I need to remind you that Truth Seekers must be level 25 or higher before they can begin their quest for enlightenment.

    There are four Springtide Bloom Locations around Aeternum: Monarch’s Bluff, Everfall, Brightwood, and Weaver's Fen. Each event location has an event-specific store, token trade-in location, and Wispy Spritz crafting tables. And you can also collect all Lore Pages here.

    Start Event

    To start an event, you need to visit one of the event locations. Talk to NPC on Bloom Herald platform to start the event. This will walk you through making your first Wispy Spritz and completing your first Wispybloom Field.

    How To Make Wispy Spritz?

    To complete this Wispybloom Fields event and get event-specific items, you’ll need to have some Wispy Spritz on hand. You can make them at any event location.

    Before doing this, you need to prepare some materials, including: 10 Fiber, 3 Honey and 1 Fire Mote. This will give you 8 Wispy Spritz. Once you’ve crafted them, you’re ready to head to Wispybloom Field for the event.

    Wispybloom Field

    Wispybloom Fields are located throughout Aeternum. You can easily find them via circles in the sky and icons on the map.

    Once you enter the field, 3 Wispy Wasps will spawn. They will chase you and cause damage to you, so be careful. If you have enough New World Coins, I would recommend equipping you with some decent gear to avoid getting hurt by these angry Wasps.

    If you attack Wasps, you only deal 1 damage to them and cannot kill them. To destroy these Wasps, you need to spray Wispy Spritz on one of the glowing white circles. Then, lure Wasps there and Spritz will explode and damage them. But don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. You need to do this about 3 times to completely destroy these Wispy Wasps.

    When you kill Wasps, sometimes you’ll be rewarded with a Wispy Wasp Goo. This will drop as a loot bag, so check it carefully. When they are dead, you are also free to pick the flowers in the center of the field. Harvesting this flower will reward you with some Wispybloom Petals.

    These Goo and Petals can be exchanged for Springtide Tokens. You can then use these tokens in the event store to earn event-specific rewards.

    Improve Event Reputation

    It is worth noting that there are 3 tiers of items in the event store, namely Blossom, Shepard, and Herald. To access items in each tier, you need to gain sufficient event reputation. The required reputation for items in each tier is:

    • Blossom: 0 Reputation
    • Shepard: 1,000 Reputation
    • Herald: 4,000 reputation

    You can earn event reputation by completing tasks, interacting with Joyous Gift Piles every day, and exchanging event items for event tokens.


    Each settlement will have a richly decorated Springtide Centerpiece surrounded by a bunch of colorful Gift Baskets, and each Centerpiece can be looted once per day.

    Additionally, you can pick up festive gifts at Springtide Villages center. Each village party bag pile can be robbed once per day, and there are 4 party bag piles in total. These will reset at 5am local time.

    The above is all the contents of this Springtide Bloom Event guide. Hurry up and join in, reveal the secrets of event lore and win rewards!

  • WOW Classic SOD Phase 3: Best Places & Tips For Farming Ghost Mushrooms Efficiently

    Posted: Apr 25, 2024

    Herbs, as an important crafting material in WOW Classic SOD, are distributed throughout the vast area of ​​Azeroth. Each herb has its own unique use. In fact, most herbs are relatively easy to find, but Ghost Mushroom is an exception. Because they can only be found in specific areas of the map.

    In this guide, we will mainly talk about how to effectively farm Ghost Mushrooms in Season Of Discovery.

    Is It Worth Spending Time Farming Ghost Mushroom?

    Ghost Mushroom is one of the most prized crafting materials in WOW Classic, as it can be used in various high-end Alchemy recipes.

    Potions, such as Elixir of Demonslaying, Elixir of Shadow Power, and Potion of Invisibility for Alchemists, all use Ghost Mushroom as the necessary reagent. All of these can be used against deadly enemies in SOD Phase 3. This also makes it one of the most versatile crafting items you can get in Season Of Discovery.

    Not only that, Elixir of Demonslaying also plays an important role in player efficiency in the new Nightmare Incursions PVE event. Therefore, Ghost Mushroom is particularly valuable in WoW Classic Season Of Discovery Phase 3, and farming and selling it can net you a decent amount of WOW Classic SOD Gold income.

    Both Alchemists and Herbalists need to obtain Ghost Mushrooms in large quantities, and thankfully, they are relatively easy to obtain.

    Main Farming Locations

    Ghost Mushrooms can be said to be one of the most popular crafting materials in WOW Classic, and can be used as a reagent for Alchemists to craft many high-tier potions. Although you can get this herb from many regions, they are mainly found in Arathi Highlands.

    While you can collect a lot of Ghost Mushrooms in Skull Rock, keep in mind that this area is also the most popular spot for Herbalists to collect these herbs, so your chances of running into trouble are higher.

    If this is the case, then you can also collect Ghost Mushrooms from the area south of Jintha’Alor. You can also find a limited number of them in the caves west of the same location. Beyond that, you can find them in several other regions, including:

    • Dire Maul: Killing enemies in Dire Maul Dungeon will also drop a large number of Ghost Mushrooms. While Gnarled Thistleshrub is the best creature to farm for this herb, you can also get it by defeating monsters like Whip Lasher and Bloodpetal Flayer.
    • Desolace: You can find numerous Ghost Mushrooms in the western Valley of Spears.
    • Maraudon: Farming this dungeon is guaranteed to drop at least 10 Ghost Mushrooms. If you play a profession such as Druid or Rogue, you can also use your skills to easily sneak past enemy mobs, greatly improving farming efficiency. If you’re not playing one of these two classes, you’ll need to run Maraudon the old-fashioned way and pick up any herbs along the way before resetting the dungeon after a traditional run.
    • Arathi Highlands: A few of these herbs can be found in a cave northeast of Hammerfall.

    Besides farming Ghost Mushrooms from the above locations, you can also find herbs for sale in Auction House. While its price may vary depending on your server, you may find it selling for around 2 gold. If you successfully farm an abundance of this resource, you can also exchange it for gold for extra profit.

    In short, the above are some locations and tips that can be used to farm Ghost Mushrooms efficiently. Mastering them can bring you unexpected gains. Good luck!

  • Fallout 76: Why The Commando Build Plays A Crucial Role In The Wastelanders Expansion?

    Posted: Apr 24, 2024

    Today, our discussion delves into the pivotal importance of the Commando build in Fallout 76, particularly for both newcomers and seasoned veterans navigating the new Wastelanders expansion. One of the things that new players have to understand in Fallout 76 is that you have to plan your build because you can't specialize in every weapon like you can in Fallout 3 or 4.

    Legendary Perk Card Slots

    Now, something that was added to Fallout 76 that will definitely help you out with your builds out there in the Wasteland is called Legendary Perk card slots, and this was introduced back in the One Wasteland for all updates. Now, you may be wondering when you're going to get these Legendary Perk card slots.

    The first one unlocks at Level 50, the next one at 75, the next one at 100, then 150, then 200, and the final Legendary Perk card slot gets unlocked at Level 300. And while there are a lot of Legendary Perk cards that you can choose from to put in these slots, most Vault Dwellers out there in the Wastelanders choose the Legendary Perk cards that increase your Special stats.

    As a note, 15 is the maximum number of skill points that you can put into a special stat when assigning perk cards, but if you have your luck maxed out at 15 and you take the Legendary Luck and max it all the way out, you can actually get a +5 to your Luck that way. In your Pip-Boy, it'll show that your Legendary Luck is a 20 instead of a 15.

    Punch Card Machine

    Another great thing that was added to Fallout 76 during the Locked and Loaded update was the punch card machine that unlocks for Vault Dwellers at level 25 and is free to place at your Camps, costing no components. These also can be found at many locations, like the Nuka-World on Tour, the Whitespring mall, and at every single train station out there in the Wastelanders.

    Now, what this punch card machine allows you to do is to change your special stats inside of a build and also equip and un-equip perk cards that you have in that build loadout. You can also get a second perk card loadout that you can switch to in the punch card machine at Level 25 for free, and more perk card loadout slots can be bought from the Atomic Shop. Sometimes there are deals on these extra loadout slots.

    Commando Build

    I mainly recommend the Commando build and it’s absolutely wonderful to use out there in the Wastelanders. It does a lot of damage. And using this weapon is absolutely wonderful. It does a lot of damage whether you’re in the West Tek, you’re over at the Whitespring, or anywhere out in the Wastelanders. Before you give it a shot, make sure to bring along some Fallout 76 Bottle Caps!

    The great thing about this as well is when use the Anti-Armor 50 crit 25% less Elder's Mark, it also does a lot of work. Something that you may not know about the third-star legendary effect on weapons in Fallout 76 is the 15% fire rate crit. It’s going to need the Legendary Luck to be 25 for every other shot that you land to be a critical, and the 25% fewer VATS is going to need your Legendary Luck to be 33 to have the same effect.

    Weapons and builds absolutely mesh together, but the builds in Fallout 76 matter more than the weapons. There are meta weapons to use that can pair with this Commando build and do so much more damage than the Pipe rifle or the Handmade rifle.

  • WOW Classic SOD: Check Out The Rogue Build Centered On The Saber Slash Rune In Phase 3

    Posted: Apr 24, 2024

    This time, I'd like to offer a brief introduction to the buffs of Saber Slash rune recently announced in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3. I'll then show you the build of this rune and go over the talents setup, other rune choices, BiS and pre-raid weapon options for the Saber Slash build, as well as outline the rotation.

    Saber Slash Update

    The Saber Slash is changed from 3 stacks to 5 stacks, but the damage of the bleed at maximum stacks remains unchanged. Each stack of Saber Slash is now going to provide a substantial increase to the damage of your Saber Slash and Sinister Strike abilities used on that target. Given the right circumstances, this damage increase should put the Saber Slash a bit ahead of the Mutilate builds.

    How To Maximize Its Power?

    Let's dive into the specific conditions that can make Saber Slash effective. Firstly, having Thistle Tea available is crucial. Saber Slash requires significant ramp-up time to reach its maximum potential of 5 stacks, and Thistle Tea significantly speeds up this process.

    Secondly, Saber Slash performs best in fights with minimal target switching and a duration of at least 1 minute. Avoid situations like the third boss encounter with 6 different trolls, where frequent target swapping occurs, as the Saber Slash won't excel in such scenarios.

    Third, the Saber Slash relies heavily on the Honor Among Thieves head rune, which depends on your teammates. If your teammates frequently die or stop attacking, they won't generate combo points, weakening the effectiveness of Honor Among Thieves and, consequently, the Saber Slash spec. And with the help of SOD Gold, you can make full use of the updated Saber Slash rune.

    Talents & Runes

    Here's the recommended the talent: Invest 32 points in the Assassination talent tree and allocate 9 points in Combat. The Assassination tree offers compelling talents, particularly with the Deadly Brew rune. Vile Poisons and Improved Poisons are key talents, compelling us to heavily invest in the Assassination talent tree.

    The Relentless Strikes on the third tier prove to be another invaluable talent. Opting for full ranks of Seal Fate in this build enhances our ability to generate more combo points, which addresses a slight deficiency in this build. Prioritize Improved Sinister Strike to reduce the energy cost of both Sinister Strike and Saber Slash. Allocate 4 points in Precision to secure a noteworthy DPS boost.

    For our rune, we have Honor Among Thieves and Deadly Brew rune. Carnage on the wrist is going to be automatically activated by Saber Slash, our hand rune. We don't have to cast Ruptures or Garrotes to get the Carnage rune. For the waist, we've got Shadowstep for added mobility, for legs is the Rune of Venom, an amazing finishing move, and for our feet is the Master of Subtlety.

    Weapon Choices

    Next, let's delve into the weapons. The top picks for a Saber Slash build are Dragon's Cry and Degraded Dire Nail for an Orc, or Dragon's Cry and Inventor's Focal Sword for a Human. You can also consider the other weapon set: Cobra Fang Claw and Serpent’s Striker. While this setup is comparable in power to the Dragon's Cry combo.

    For the Blood Moon, prioritize acquiring the Bloodied Sword of Speed for Horde. Alliance players can obtain the White Bone Shredder from the Bone-Bladed Weapon Quests in Orgrimmar. Head to Maraudon for the Inventor's Focal Sword from Tinkerer Gizlock. Although soloing Tinkerer Gizlock might be challenging, teaming up with another Rogue can make it feasible, allowing both of you to loot the swords and be on your way.

    As for off-hand weapons, there's a variety of options available, all of which are relatively comparable. I recommend the Inventor's Focal Sword and White Bone Shredder, which rank near the top of the list and aren't overly difficult to acquire.


    For the rotation, the focus is on building up to 5 Saber Slashes on the target. Begin in stealth and activate all temporary attack power bonuses like Blood Fury, your alchemy potion, and the Roar of the Guardian trinket.

    Then execute 3 Saber Slashes to deplete your energy to zero. Quickly replenish to 100 energy and perform another Saber Slash, reaching 5 stacks or combo points for the Slice and Dice. This entire opener comprises 6 global cooldowns and is ideally executed within 6 seconds with the aid of Thistle Tea, ensuring no energy shortage.

    Without Thistle Tea, reaching the fifth Saber Slash and activating the Slice and Dice may take 12 to 13 seconds, significantly slowing down the ramp-up. Once the Slice and Dice is active and 5 Saber Stacks are achieved, maintain the Saber Slash debuff with one Saber Slash, followed by 1 to 2 Sinister Strikes and 2 to 3 points from Honor Among Thieves to reach 5 combo points.

    Cast either an Eviscerate or a Slice and Dice. It's essential to maintain full uptime of Slice and Dice while maximizing the Envenom casts, ensuring optimal damage output throughout the fight.

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