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Fallout 76 Bottle Caps

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About Fallout 76 Bottle Caps

Experienced Players Tell You, Buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps As A Valuable And Standard Form Of Currency Play An Important Part In Surviving In West Virginia From Buying Ammo And Good Legendary Armor Even More Items Through Leveling Up.

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Fallout 76: These 5 Ways Are Your Best Options For Endless Ammo!

Fallout 76: These 5 Ways Are Your Best Options For Endless Ammo!

As a typical third-person shooter, ammunition is essential for almost all Fallout 76 players. Except for melee combat, of course. So how do you get ammo? Here we round up the 5 best tips to have more ammo than you can use!

Buying From Vendors Or Scavenging

First, buying from NPCs and other players is the most obvious method. NPC vendors are located throughout Appalachia map, such as Crater, Foundation, and Whitespring Resort.

But I don’t recommend buying ammo from NPCs unless you have too many Fallout 76 Bottle Caps. Instead, you should look for player camps. You’ll know if there’s a vendor here by hovering over it on the map, and you should see “Ammunition” category. This means they are selling some ammo, often at a pretty cheap price.

But be aware that vendor ammo takes up storage space, and players will often discard ammo they don’t use. There is an unspoken agreement that duffle bags and other containers at train stations are the place to dump excess ammunition and other items. So, go there and check it out!

Another place to watch is after public events, especially those with a lot of enemies, such as Radiation Rumble, Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice. Players receive so much gear that dumping ammo is common, especially heavy ammo like Mini Nukes and Missiles.

Unfortunately, these items disappear from the world after a while, so scavenging is not as reliable as the shop. But it’s free, so don’t forget to check the container every time you go to the train station. You might be pleasantly surprised by the great stuff you can find.

Kill Enemy

Another great way is to play. The game periodically supplies ammunition for the gun you use. Enemies that shoot tend to have ammo for their weapons, but melee enemies will usually drop ammo for your gun.

So if you use a gun with high damage and low fire rate, you’ll usually come out ahead in ammo as long as your accuracy is reasonably high. Shotguns and Rifles are great for this.

But generally speaking, any non-automatic weapon is easy to keep loaded. Certain enemy types tend to use specific weapons, so if you’re short on ammo, traveling to locations and events that spawn them is a good option.

To maximize the number of bullets you get, it’s best to use damage buffing perks. The idea is to have each bullet do as much damage as possible. This means you kill enemies with fewer bullets. In other words, you’re more likely to end up with more bullets than you started with.


But assuming you’ve run out of ammo and scavenging doesn’t satisfy your ammo needs, another option is to craft it.

As you explore, you’ll find Gunpowder. If you have Tinker’s workbench, you can craft ammunition. If you haven’t unlocked the plans for the bench, the faction base has all the workbenches, and fast travel on them is free. I would recommend Artisan’s Corner in Whitespring Resort.

For most regular ammo, you need Gunpowder and Lead, but there are some exceptions, such as Shotgun Shells, which also require Plastic. Additionally, Explosive and Ultracite Ammo also require rare components, so they are generally not suitable for crafting.

Before deciding to rely on crafting, it’s best to consider the cost and material requirements of each type of ammunition. But you can keep yourself well stocked just by looting junk and crating ammo on Tinker’s workbench.

I need to remind you that Gunpowder also weighs quite a bit heavier than the ammo you can craft with it. So when you get some Gunpowder, use it as soon as possible or throw it away.

Combination Use Of Guns

I also need to mention that it’s a good idea to have multiple guns that use the same ammo. Gatling Gun and Minigun are an impressive combination. Minigun does more damage per second but consumes more ammo, while Gatling Gun does almost three times the damage per bullet and is more accurate, but fires more slowly.

If you use Gatling like you use Combat Rifle Sniper, it will allow you to kill most enemies with just a few bullets. To compensate for the slow shooting speed, you can also use the technique of holding down the fire button and clicking continuously. If you’re shooting in first-person, you can fire as quickly as you tap the aim button.

Another good combo is Sniper Rifle and Light Machine Gun. Snipe enemies in normal gameplay, but use LMG in intense situations. If you focus on using powerful weapons, a normal game should yield enough extra ammo that there won’t be a shortage.

Participate In Daily Ops & Expeditions

Assuming you’re still low on ammo, you can try this last option. I’ve already mentioned that melee enemies tend to provide ammo for the gun you used to kill them. But this applies to all enemies during Daily Ops and Pitt Expeditions. That is, every enemy will drop some ammo for the gun you’re holding after they die.

If you adopt the strategy of using a powerful gun, it’s entirely possible that each enemy will provide you with more ammo than you can use to kill them.

You simply bring an empty gun into Daily Ops and wait for teammates to kill enemies to get your first ammo. Don’t forget to upgrade Gauss Shotgun’s damage by using perks so that every Daily Ops will give us an extra 500 rounds of ammo. If you focus on doing these repeatedly, you’ll easily have thousands of rounds of ammo in no time.

But there’s a caveat. Both Daily Ops and Expeditions are intended for fairly high-level players, so they’re best done as part of a strong team. This means you’ll have to wait until the team is created, but later you’ll be able to solo them repeatedly to maximize the amount of ammo you get.


Basically, Fallout 76 is a game that offers multiple ways to earn ammo by playing the game. You can craft, scavenge, and even actively farm to get the ammo you need. In short, once you know what you’re doing, you’ll never run out of bullets!

Fallout 76: Follow The Process To Obtain A Substantial Amount Of Fusion Cores

Fallout 76: Follow The Process To Obtain A Substantial Amount Of Fusion Cores

This time, let’s delve into how to get an endless supply of fusion cores in Fallout 76. In order to obtain fusion cores, you need to set up workshops at the following 3 locations: Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, Thunder Mountain Power Plant and the Monongah Power Plant.

With this guide, you can yield about 24 fusion cores every hour. You may be wondering how we can obtain such an abundance of fusion cores. So I will uncover the truth behind this mystery.

Fusion Core Processors

When you arrive at these locations, you'll notice an event called Powering Up has begun. However, we're not going to do this. Pay attention to the fusion core processors you'll find in these locations. These processors yield 24 fusion cores per hour, but here's the catch: they're active in all 3 locations simultaneously.

In other words, you can expect to get about 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes from each location. However, having the Contractor perk can significantly enhance your efficiency. This perk reduces the materials required for crafting workshop items by 50%, which is incredibly beneficial.

So, if you have this perk, make sure to equip it. Now, let's craft the generators and other necessary items. Keep in mind that this process will cost you some caps. Once you've claimed the workshop, it'll take about 20 to 30 seconds for the claim to be confirmed.

Then you have the workshop at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 is now under your control. Of course, don’t forget to keep some Fallout 76 Bottle Caps with you to get what you need.

Build Generators

These fusion core processors require 100 power to operate. So, let's switch to building generators. However, the basic generators only produce 12 power. If you don't already have the plan for them, you'll need to find it. Once you've obtained it, place the generator down and wire it up.

You might need to adjust its placement to ensure it functions properly. Once connected, the generator will start producing fusion cores. You can expect around 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes, or one fusion core every 7 and a half minutes. Make sure to repeat this process for all 3 locations. Keep in mind to return regularly to protect your setup, as others may attempt to damage it.

Bob The Builder

Now, we're going to the Monongah Power Plant. Switch into Bob the Builder mode and get to work. Our final destination is the Thunder Mountain Power Plant. First, we'll need to clear out the baddies, then we can start building. Find the fusion core processor and let's spend another 25 caps and get it going.

Once everything's set up, we'll start a timer and we'll see how many fusion cores we can gather using this method. Just hop between these 3 locations, and you'll rack up fusion cores in no time. And one more tip that keeps an eye out for fusion cores in the wild while you're playing naturally. It's a great way to stock up while you're waiting for the extractors to do their thing.

While return to the Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, the player obtains 3 more fusion cores, bringing the total to 21. However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when 3 Scorchbeasts suddenly appear, forcing the player to defend the Poseidon Energy Plant.

Despite facing challenges and setbacks, including multiple attempts to defeat the Scorchbeasts, the player perseveres. Eventually, the event is completed, and the player repairs the power plant and the player resolves to continue their efforts. We ended off with 3 more and that puts us, in about an hour, we can get about 24 fusion cores.

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