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New World: These 4 Locations Are Highly Recommend For Gold Farming In Season 5

Greeting, fellow players! Today, I'm excited to share you 4 raw resources you can farm in specific locations to accumulate significant wealth in New World Season 5. Despite the drop in overall pricing in crafting, there are still straightforward methods to amass gold. Let me introduce them to you.

Valuable Resources

For gold making in the New World Season 5, the raw resources are the most important to focus on. After carefully analyzing the market, I identified the most valuable resources for gold-making. On my server, the top 4 resources are Ironwood, Lodestone, Dark Hide, and Orichalcum Ore.

Ironwood stands out as the most lucrative, followed by Loadstone, which commands a price of 64 each. While Dark Hide is less expensive, its abundance makes it a worthwhile addition to the list, offering quick returns. Lastly, the Orichalcum Ore, though less profitable, remains notable for its availability.

In the subsequent section of this guide, I will outline the 4 optimal locations for harvesting these 4 resources and then vendor for large number of wealth. By doing so, you can ensure that you are making the most efficient use of your time while gathering these valuable materials.

1. Edengrove - Ironwood

Let's start by discussing prime locations for farming the Ironwood trees. One of the most favorable spots is found in Edengrove. Begin your journey at the Spirit Shrine, then proceed a short distance northward, circling through the area.

In this location, you'll encounter a generous abundance of the Ironwood trees ripe for harvesting. Don't forget to leverage your consumables or, in some cases, utilize some of your New World Coins to optimize your overall output during this endeavor.

2. Weaver's Fen - Loadstone

Let's talk about the Loadstone, a well-known resource in the New World. Head to the Weaver's Fen, just north of Glacial Tarn Shrine. If you open your map, you'll see a prime area for Loadstone farming. Start in a small circle, head north, and follow the direction.

As you traverse, you'll encounter an abundance of Loadstone nodes. This area stands out as arguably the optimal spot for Loadstone farming, promising swift and bountiful returns. If you're seeking rapid profits, investing your time and effort into harvesting Loadstone is undoubtedly worthwhile.

3. Elysian Wilds - Dark Hide

Continuing forward, let's explore one of the preferred regions for harvesting Dark Hide: the Elysan Wilds area, particularly in the upper right quadrant. While the entire map offers abundant Dark Hide, should you desire a more concentrated endeavor, directing your efforts to this specific locale proves fruitful.

For those desiring a more targeted approach, directing your efforts towards the Alligators inhabiting this area yields significant advantages. I strongly advocate for the use of a spear when engaging these creatures, as it notably enhances efficiency and facilitates the collection process.

4. Reekwater - Orichalcum Ore

Last but not least, for farming the Orichalcum Ore, we need to head to the lower right corner of Reekwater and there will be an abundance of resource. Head straight down, encountering a significant concentration of Orichalcum Ore Veins. While there are multiple locations to mine this resource, this area is to be the most condensed and efficient.

I recommend mining before the Operas event and maximizing the yield. After mining the entire line of Orichalcum Ore Veins, join the Opera event, and upon completion, return to mine them again. This cycle repeats seamlessly. For those seeking optimal efficiency in farming Orichalcum, this spot in the lower right corner of Reekwater is undoubtedly the best choice.

Fallout 76: Follow The Process To Obtain A Substantial Amount Of Fusion Cores

This time, let’s delve into how to get an endless supply of fusion cores in Fallout 76. In order to obtain fusion cores, you need to set up workshops at the following 3 locations: Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, Thunder Mountain Power Plant and the Monongah Power Plant.

With this guide, you can yield about 24 fusion cores every hour. You may be wondering how we can obtain such an abundance of fusion cores. So I will uncover the truth behind this mystery.

Fusion Core Processors

When you arrive at these locations, you'll notice an event called Powering Up has begun. However, we're not going to do this. Pay attention to the fusion core processors you'll find in these locations. These processors yield 24 fusion cores per hour, but here's the catch: they're active in all 3 locations simultaneously.

In other words, you can expect to get about 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes from each location. However, having the Contractor perk can significantly enhance your efficiency. This perk reduces the materials required for crafting workshop items by 50%, which is incredibly beneficial.

So, if you have this perk, make sure to equip it. Now, let's craft the generators and other necessary items. Keep in mind that this process will cost you some caps. Once you've claimed the workshop, it'll take about 20 to 30 seconds for the claim to be confirmed.

Then you have the workshop at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 is now under your control. Of course, don’t forget to keep some Fallout 76 Bottle Caps with you to get what you need.

Build Generators

These fusion core processors require 100 power to operate. So, let's switch to building generators. However, the basic generators only produce 12 power. If you don't already have the plan for them, you'll need to find it. Once you've obtained it, place the generator down and wire it up.

You might need to adjust its placement to ensure it functions properly. Once connected, the generator will start producing fusion cores. You can expect around 3 fusion cores every 20 minutes, or one fusion core every 7 and a half minutes. Make sure to repeat this process for all 3 locations. Keep in mind to return regularly to protect your setup, as others may attempt to damage it.

Bob The Builder

Now, we're going to the Monongah Power Plant. Switch into Bob the Builder mode and get to work. Our final destination is the Thunder Mountain Power Plant. First, we'll need to clear out the baddies, then we can start building. Find the fusion core processor and let's spend another 25 caps and get it going.

Once everything's set up, we'll start a timer and we'll see how many fusion cores we can gather using this method. Just hop between these 3 locations, and you'll rack up fusion cores in no time. And one more tip that keeps an eye out for fusion cores in the wild while you're playing naturally. It's a great way to stock up while you're waiting for the extractors to do their thing.

While return to the Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, the player obtains 3 more fusion cores, bringing the total to 21. However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when 3 Scorchbeasts suddenly appear, forcing the player to defend the Poseidon Energy Plant.

Despite facing challenges and setbacks, including multiple attempts to defeat the Scorchbeasts, the player perseveres. Eventually, the event is completed, and the player repairs the power plant and the player resolves to continue their efforts. We ended off with 3 more and that puts us, in about an hour, we can get about 24 fusion cores.

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