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Throne And Liberty: News And Updates Post Patch In TL - Dungeon Changes, Weapon Balance & More

Posted: Jan 04, 2024

NCSOFT has released patch notes one day before the patch goes live. I will tell you something about the new changes and improvements in Throne and Liberty. If you have plenty of Throne and Liberty Lucent, come and enjoy the news and updates after the latest patch.

Throne And Liberty: News And Updates Post Patch In TL - Dungeon Changes, Weapon Balance & More

Dungeon Changes

Field Bosses, and Archbosses have been activated and will be added periodically this week, as all the milestones to unlock them have been completed. Dungeon tokens have received changes where daily recharge limits have been increased from 600 to 900 per day, and the max limit has been changed to 4500 from 1800.

A new recipe to craft the weapons chest that drops in the dungeons has been added for 40 dimensional tokens to serve as some sort of pity system in case you don’t drop the chest in 40 runs. All the dungeons have received some changes. Bug fixes, cheese mechanics, and exploits have been patched. They have added the ability to mark players, improved the ability to join and apply to different parties while already being in a party, and a variety of changes and fixes for the recruitment.

New Transmog

In Miror Boutique, they have added weapon skins, so possible weapon transmog options will be available. Not 100% sure until we see it in the game. Abyss tokens are rewarded as points instead of tokens. Few balance changes to all the events. Now you can’t receive rewards from participating in multiple events at the same time. Skill books have been added as rewards in the events, and the amount of parchments has been reduced. Also, some several balance changes to field bosses and open-world dungeon mobs and bosses.

Weapon Balance

Now for some weapon balance changes:

Sword and Shield received a slight buff where AOE damage of Annihilating Slash has been increased by 50%, and it received a few various bug fixes.

Dagger has had a knife shoving cooldown reduction reduced from 24 seconds to 18 seconds.

Crossbow’s mana recoup skill has increased Mana gain by 20%, and Longbow has had a buff on Decisive Sniping resets. Now you have 6 seconds to use it again, where before it was only 3 seconds. Also, now if you cancel the reset in those 6 seconds, it won’t go on cooldown like it did before. This is a huge buff and a much needed.

Staff had most of the changes reverted to how it was before the last patch and some damage buffs on certain skills and won’t receive some minor buffs.

New Battlepass

New battlepass is also arriving with new and improved cosmetics. But one thing I noticed that wasn’t added but has been confirmed for the 3rd January patch before was the very much needed skill transfer to allow for easier build swapping. They have given no explanation for this decision, but I guess it was pushed for later patches so that they can have it ready without bugs and issues.

UI Changes

The world map now shows how much time is left in day or night. Guild quests marks have been simplified and are no longer visible on the map. Ability to adjust ambiance sound separately added contrast settings. Several inventory improvements and various other UI improvements and bug fixes. Lastly, they have improved a lot of codex quests, which are now much easier to understand and complete, with a lot of general bug fixes.

And that’s everything coming in the next patch. Some great changes and some very much needed improvements, and overall, the game is heading in a very healthy direction.


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