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News Tag: Diablo 4

  • Diablo 4 DLC: How To Understand Change Of Level Cap In Vessel Of Hatred? - Speculation & Analysis

    Posted: Jul 26, 2024

    In fact, Vessel of Hatred will change the current Diablo 4. Even if it is not a consensus, it is at least a fact recognized by most people. This new DLC of Diablo 4 will not only bring us new content but also new numbers, new level cap and even new Paragon system.

    In the past period of time, many games media and Diablo 4 content creator have been able to personally experience new DLC. Most people are concerned about this new class called Spiritborn. We have also had similar news before.

    In the official gameplay video, we can feel that this game is well made and straightforward. However, it is very regrettable that it does not touch the changes in game content that we expected. For example, we did not see game-wide systemic changes in new expansion.

    The biggest highlight of Vessel of Hatred is the introduction of new classes. Besides this change, what we players are most concerned about is the change in a level cap in Diablo 4. At present, the maximum level that players can reach is 100. Everything we can think of about the game is related to the level, such as the item power distribution, damage scaling, loot curve, monster difficulty.

    In fact, maybe many people still don’t know what the level of change means?But we need to know that change of level cap will affect effect and attribute changes of Diablo 4 Items. Maybe we can’t predict it. However, we can look back. In Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls raised the game’s level cap from level 60 to level 70, and the five of the original classes at that time all gained new abilities, which made players upgrade more intriguing for players.

    So we are facing the first DLC released by Diablo 4, and we are all looking forward to whether the same effect will appear. The official remained silent on our questions. By changing level cap, many values ​​will be changed, so this will inevitably change gameplay.

    There are a lot of signs that we’re heading towards a numbers squish, so level cap is being lowered to make each level more mattering. We can speculate that new level cap is 60 based on speculation from various places, such as Reddit.

    For example, the experience bar already shows a character beyond level 50, but puzzlingly, there are no Paragon Point nodes (in current version, these Paragon Point nodes are unlocked at level 50). Instead, there is a new level indicator, which is represented by a number of character level.

    So many players are suspecting that this is a new Paragon system, and it looks more simplified and more like the one in Diablo 3. Through this system, we can continue to gain levels, although this level exceeds the basic level cap, but Paragon Board will still be reserved for us.

    There are other factors that indicate that 60 is a new level cap. In-game tooltips secretly hint that the maximum level cap has been changed from 1001 to 60 in some places. We can see this from the official display of unique weapon stats, such as the change in armor values. If the maximum level cap remains at 1001, then armour stats should be exactly the same as they are in the current version.

    Actually, there are a lot of changes. For example, this level requirements for each stage of Health Potion upgrades for Alchemists class have changed. This is a complete change. This once again proves that level 60 is the maximum level cap.

    Lowering the level of the game means that all stats in the game must be compressed. This also means that not only will damage numbers be reduced but also armour values ​​will be reduced. This is not necessarily a bad thing for players. Because it is easier to read in combat. This actually complies with some player requests.

    In addition, I don’t think that the reduction in stats means that the player will suffer less damage. I think the value of each damage stage is more in line with the current numbers on the screen.

    This is our analysis of the changes to the maximum level, and I hope it will give you an idea of ​​what the changes to the level cap mean. If you are interested in other news about Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred, you can join our IGGM discord. More information and giveaway channel here.

  • Diablo 4: Find A Endgame Build That’s Right For You In Season 5!

    Posted: Jul 03, 2024

    Diablo 4 Season 5 is just around the corner, and players are now exploring new limits and mastering the endgame in PTR to take on the tough challenges that Sanctuary has to offer. If you’re a seasoned veteran, you know that the true strength of a class lies in its endgame build.

    Whether you’re exploring Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeons or Pit of Artificers, or even facing off against other endgame events, the right build can be the difference between victory and defeat.

    This guide will introduce some of the endgame builds you can choose from, so you can explore more easily after you choose your build, and even face some previously tough bosses, which will become a piece of cake!

    Bone Spear Necromancer

    Bone Spear Necromancer is a great endgame build for players who want to be a ranged powerhouse. You get a very fast attack speed, critical hits, and limitless essence, allowing you to deal with some deadly damage from a safe distance.

    Bone Spear Necromancer’s active abilities are:

    • Bone Spear: A basic damage skill that allows you to attack with your main spear and its curved part. Poison is important when fighting bosses
    • Decrepify: Combined with Lucky Hit Chance, it reduces the cooldown and keeps you safe during random stuns
    • Blood Mist: Allows you to reposition while remaining invincible in hard battles
    • Bone Storm: Shield Assault increases damage reduction, critical hit chance, and survivability

    If you use a Book of Dead, you will choose between Skirmishers and Defenders depending on your critical hit chances and resistance requirements. Bone Spear build allows you to keep a safe distance while attacking with Bone Spear.

    In addition, you can use Blood Mist to reposition yourself, which is especially useful when you are in a sticky situation, so you can escape and prevent enemies from attacking you again.

    Rapid Fire Rogue

    Rapid Fire Rogue is very versatile and can provide you with high single target damage. If you equip it with the right Diablo 4 Items, you can deal with enemies that are grouped together. It can also position yourself very cleverly and eventually become a deadly sniper.

    Rapid Fire Rogue’s active skills are:

    • Rapid Fire: A damage skill that can fire multiple targets in a straight line
    • Heartseeker: Can be used to keep combos and well-placed units away from enemies
    • Shadow Step: A tool to escape solid objects surrounded by large animals
    • Caltrop: Reduces enemy movement and increases damage

    In this build, you need to manage your resources effectively, so that you can ensure that you can continuously output high damage and accumulate combo points to help you increase your burst damage. In the end, you may get a lot of extra arrows to maximize your damage!

    Ball Lightning Sorcerer

    Of all the endgame builds, Ball Lightning Sorcerer has the biggest visual impact. Not only does it look great, it also provides single-target damage and AOE coverage. Although unlike the previous two builds, you need to be in melee range, but once you get the hang of it, this build may give you a big surprise.

    Ball Lightning Sorcerer’s active skills are:

    • Ball Lightning: This is a powerful damage ability that activates and damages other locations
    • Unstable Current: Increased damage against stable enemies
    • Teleport: Gives mobility, helps with crowd control, and stuns enemies
    • Ice Blades: Reduces cooldowns and grants more effective cold stacks

    When using Ball Lightning Sorcerer, you can also choose to use Ice Blade Enchantment and Fire Bolt Enchantment to add icing on the cake to this build. They can reduce cooldowns and increase burn-related bonuses, respectively.

    Here, continue to use Ball Lightning to maximize the overall damage, and you can also pick up some Crackling Energy to maintain your mana. In addition, Teleport can easily get you out of trouble.

    Double Swing Barbarian

    Double Swing Barbarian is a melee build that enables you to swiftly maneuver in combat in endgame builds, while also possessing exceptional single target damage and area damage. This guerrilla style of warfare is very suitable for endgame adventures.

    Double Swing Barbarian’s active skills are:

    • Bash: This skill generates rage and advances the skill tree
    • Double Swing: Basic ability that summons rage and spawns a Dust Demon
    • Rallying Cry: Increased movement speed, becomes unstoppable, boosts and rage
    • Charge: Provides a source of mobility, stupor, insanity and uncontrollability

    One-handed Sword is great for improving your resource management, and one-handed Mace is great for dealing with large damage multipliers to stunned enemies.

    This requires you to try to keep your attack speed high and use Double Swing to maximize damage, plus Bash generates damage enhancements, and finally you can use a Rallying Cry to keep yourself active.

    Lightning Storm Druid

    Lightning Storm Druid provides you with excellent AOE damage and high mobility, which is very suitable for you to use when you are facing a large group of enemies. This build also has strong defensive capabilities, which can make it easier for you to clean up the enemies in the later stages of the battle.

    Lightning Storm Druid’s active skills are:

    • Lightning Storm: The main damage ability needed for this build. Increases power when channeled
    • Trample: A movement ability that grants invincible status
    • Wolf, Raven, Poison Creeper: Provides utility and increases damage of base skills
    • Deliberating Roar: Reduces, buffs, and heals enemy damage

    In addition to the above skills, you can use additional spirit boons in this Druid class. For example, Wariness (Deer), Avian Wrath (Eagle) and Energize (Wolf).

    You can combine the above skills with each other. For example, after using Lightning Storm to inflict serious injury on the enemy, you can employ Trample and Poison Creeper to control the crowd of them.

    Hopefully, after you've read all the endgame builds in this guide, it will help you get the best experience in battle! Let's look forward to the official release of Season 5 on August 6th!

  • Diablo 4: Some Uniques And Legendary Aspect Will Add In Season 5!

    Posted: Jun 28, 2024

    Now that Diablo 4 Season 5’s PTR is in full swing, players are inspecting what changes will be available to them throughout the game. In player feedback, some Unique gear and every Legendary Aspect have surprised players.

    This means that players can create more new build crafting options and have more freedom. In addition, the addition of Infernal Hordes has made players more excited. Infernal Hordes is a wave-based game mode in which players make survivor-like choices between waves, ultimately encountering new bosses and earning rewards, including Diablo 4 Gold.

    New Unique Gear

    So far, all classes in Diablo 4 have released a Unique Gear for you to use in Season 5. Here are the details of them.


    Unbroken Chain (Armor): When you have Unbroken Chain equipped and cast Steel Grasp, the cooldown of your Iron Maelstrom is reduced by 5-10 seconds. And enemies you face will deal 15-30% less damage to you for 6 seconds.


    Björnfang’s Tusks (Gloves): When you use Cataclysm, you are guaranteed to hit anything in range, and your damage is increased by 40-80% for the duration of the effect. In addition, you gain unlimited Spirit while you have Cataclysm active.


    Path of Trag’Oul (Boots): When you equip this Diablo 4 Item, the range of your Bone Prison traps increases, which means you can trap more enemies.

    You will also shoot 20-30 Bone Splinters at enemies, and each time you hit a target, your Maximum Essence increases by 2 over 8 seconds.


    Shroud of Khanduras (Chest): Although Dark Shroud provides you with 3 seconds of immunity, your Evade cooldown will be increased by 9 seconds. So if necessary, you can equip this chest armor, which allows you to leave a bomb when you use Evade while Dark Shroud is active.

    This can cause Shadow damage to enemies, and also allows you to get closer to enemies, making it more suitable for melee.


    Axial Conduit (Pants): Chain Lightning is very useful, which is recognized by players, not only because it can help you find multiple enemies but also because it can release extremely high lightning damage.

    When Chain Lightning is used, it will constantly surround you. When it returns, it will absorb 6 mana from each active Chain Lightning. At this value of 66, the whole lightning will explode and deal about 270% lightning damage to the enemy.

    If you don’t have enough mana for it to absorb Chain Lightning, it will fail until the value reaches 66.

    New Legendary Aspects

    A lot of new Legendary Aspects were released in Diablo 4 Season 5. Although players believe that Uniques have incomparable rarity, some classes will stand out if Legendary Aspects are added.


    Forward Momentum (Mobility): In this class, knocking back enemies becomes one of the most commonly used skills. In subsequent games, as long as you successfully knock back an enemy, your movement speed will increase by 25%-40% and last for three seconds.


    Rushing Wilds (Mobility): Similarly, this attribute can also improve your mobility and give you more advantages in battle. When you cast Companion Skill, your movement speed will increase by 5%-15%, up to 45%, and last for 5 seconds.


    Unholy Tether (Mobility): When you cast a Golem’s active ability in previous games, your Golem would become unstoppable and drain the blood of enemies in the area. In Season 5, you will form a bond with it that lasts for 6 seconds and provides you both with 25%-40% movement speed.

    Inexorable Reaper’s Aspect (Mobility): When you use Inexorable Reaper, Sever skill will cause you to dash forward and attack enemies. This will become a mobility skill that doesn’t require your Essence, but unfortunately, your cooldown will be a bit longer - 22 seconds.

    Creeping Mist (Mobility): This property reduces the cooldown of your Evade by 25%-35%, allowing you to use Evade during Blood Mist and double your travel distance. You should note that every time you enter or leave Blood Mist, your Evade cooldown will be refreshed.

    Imperisoned Spirit’s Aspect (Offensive): When talking about equipment, it is mentioned that your Bone Prison traps will trap more enemies, but when Bone Spirit explodes inside, it will explode once more, causing 40%-70% damage. This means that Bone Prison will cause more damage to the enemies trapped inside.


    Nebulous Brews (Mobility): This attribute will increase your movement speed when you use a Healing Potion, up to 50%. The most useful thing is that after you move 30 meters, you will also generate a bottle of Healing Potion, so you will collect a lot of Healing Potion repeatedly.

    Galvanized Slasher’s Aspect (Resource): It’s no secret that you deal damage to enemies when you use your mobile skill, Lucky Hit, but in Season 5, you’ll have a 15%-30% chance to recharge your energy to full, and even increase it by 10-25.

    Iron Rain (Offensive): In this class, Smoke Grenade allows Rogues to daze enemies for a few seconds by throwing a smoky concoction at them. After improvements, Smoke Grenade also has a 40% chance to generate Arrow Storm, which deals physical damage for 3 seconds after the explosion.

    Breakneck Bandit’s Aspect (Offensive): When you use Flurry, you unleash a flurry of slashes and slashes that damage enemies in front of you. In Season 5, it deals 15% more damage and has a chance to stun enemies for 3 seconds when it hits.

    Mired Sharpshooter’s Aspect (Utility): Caltrops is a popular Marksman Skill, and now it has been improved a bit. It can periodically throw 5-20 piercing daggers during its duration, each of which can cause Shadow damage to the enemy.


    Tenuous Agility: This attribute can be said to be one of the best improvements to Sorcerer, which can increase its movement speed by about 5%. The most exciting thing is that if you don’t use Defensive Skill within 8 seconds, your rewards dropped by the boss will be doubled, not only Diablo 4 Gold.

    Firebird: In this improvement, you can get Flame Shield Enchantment for free. When it is activated, Meteorites will land around you, causing a lot of Fire damage to the surrounding enemies.

    Lightning Rod: I just talked about the power of Chain Lightning, but in fact, it can also hit the enemy you are facing directly. When it hits an enemy or boss you control, there is a 15% chance of an additional chain and damage them again.

    Elemental Acuity: Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill will cause a lot of spells damage, but what you don’t know is that it will also increase your mana regeneration by 10%-20%, and each element can be cast once. When you reach maximum stacks, your total bonus will swell to 60%, or even 120%!

    Orange Herald: In this class, you can also use a Lucky Hit. But unlike Rogue, it can only reduce your cooldown time, and each cast can only happen once.

    These are Uniques and Legendary Aspects that have appeared in Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR. We and all players are looking forward to what recent changes will be in the subsequent official Season 5. Diablo 4 Season 5 will be launched on July 17, 2024. Look forward to it together!

  • Diablo 4: Are You Looking Forward To Season 5 PTR? - Infernal Hordes & Endgame Bosses

    Posted: Jun 24, 2024

    Diablo 4’s second Public Test Realm (PTR) will be officially launched from June 25 to July 2, providing players with an opportunity to test the fresh changes and features of Season 5 in advance. Then the developers will adjust the feedback from players and finally present the best Diablo 4 Season 5 to players!

    The following are the new events you can experience in Season 5 PTR. I believe you will definitely be impatient, right? Then let’s have a look!

    Eternal Questline: Eyes Of The Enemy

    Season 5 tells a new story - enemies are eliminated, changes occur within the alliance, and you will find an unexpected friend emerging from the shadows. So there will also be a new Questline in PTR. It mainly occurs after Main Questline event, and can be used in Seasonal and Eternal Realms, and there is no need to worry that it will disappear after the end of Season 5. It will remain in Eternal realm.

    Season 5’s Main Questline requires you to travel to Hawezar in World Tier III and investigate the unrest among the inhabitants of the city there. Once you’ve completed it, you can fight the Infernal Hordes, a new game activity added in Season 5. It’s important to note that this quest only needs to be completed once on your account and does not require a new character to perform.

    Fighting With Infernal Hordes

    Some players found Helltides very difficult in previous seasons, but in Season 5, it’s just waiting for the horror to begin. In Realm of Hatred, you’ll fight against the seemingly ever-growing Hell’s Legions, and beware that they’re getting stronger every day.

    You can kill the demons in Infernal Hordes activity, and after completing it, you can get Burning Aether, which will help you unlock more powerful weapons or more rewards. In addition, you can fight a powerful Fell Council.

    Enter Realm Of Hatred With Infernal Compass

    So how can you enter Realm of Hatred? You need to use a tool called Infernal Compass. There are two ways to get this Diablo 4 Item - the first is that you have a chance to get them as rewards after defeating Endgame Bosses, Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, and Whispers. The second way is a little easier. Just complete the latest Eternal quest to get them.

    Infernal Hordes

    What you need to pay attention to in Infernal Hordes is that it is time-limited, and each wave only lasts 90 seconds. When you finish a wave, you can collect Burning Aether, which can be used in Infernal run.

    After each wave of 90 seconds is over, you need to kill the remaining enemies and choose between three Infernal Offers. After making your choice, the next wave of attacks begins.

    After you successfully kill all the attacks in all waves in Tier, you can fight the Fell Council! After defeating it, you will also receive Burning Aether, which can be exchanged for Spoils of Hell.

    Infernal Offer

    As mentioned earlier, after each wave, there will be three different Infernal Offers that can provide you with Boons and Banes, which can play a big role in your battle. For example, when Elite damage increases, Elites will give you more Burning Aether.

    Remember to choose clearly. Infernal Offers will continue to accumulate as you fight Infernal Hordes, and you can activate multiple. Infernal Offers will also help you increase the difficulty of the battle, but will give you more Burning Aether. But be careful, it is better to be moderate, don’t be too aggressive.

    Burning Aether

    As just introduced, Burning Aether is mainly obtained by killing Aether Fiends and Aether Lords in Realm of Hatred. In addition, you can also destroy Soulspires and Aetheric Masses, both of which can allow you to obtain Burning Aether.

    It is important to remind you that Burning Aether is obtained individually, whether you play alone or with friends. This also makes it easier for you to think about how to use it when you are ready to use it at the end of the run.

    Spoils Of Hell

    Spoils of Hell are mainly unlocked by Burning Aether, and there will be four different Spoils of Hell for you to choose from.

    • Spoils of Equipment
    • Spoils of Materials
    • Spoils of Gold
    • Spoils of Greater Equipment

    Fighting With Fell Priests

    If you are lucky enough to survive Infernal Hordes, Fell Council awaits you. These noble priests were originally created to protect players from Prime Evil Mephisto in Diablo 2. Unfortunately, they were corrupted and assimilated into the demons they had been fighting.

    There are 5 Fell Council Members in Fell Priests, each with unique abilities. When you start to prepare to fight a Fell Council, they will send 3 members to fight you. This is all random, so you need to be careful of their unique combination of abilities.

    Once you have done enough damage to Fell Council, especially when their health is low, priests’ attacks will become more frenzied. You must always be vigilant if you want to survive.

    New Weapons And Items

    Because the furnaces in Burning Hell burn so vigorously, the weapons they create also have surprising abilities.

    Many of the new Legendaries, Uniques, and items in Season 5 are created here. These items are mainly dropped from the remains of enemies in the Sanctuary, but they are most likely to be obtained in the Infernal Hordes mentioned above.

    Experience Endgame Bosses

    In Season 5 PTR, you no longer need to reset the dungeon to achieve the result of killing the same boss repeatedly. You only need to see the summoning Altar automatically appear after killing a boss and use more resources to kill the boss again.

    Also, Malignant Hearts are only required to summon Varshan, and Trembling Hands, Blackened Femurs, and Gurgling Heads are no longer required. In addition, Endgame Bosses will drop additional Diablo 4 Gold, making these items no longer rare items.

    Next, introduce a few Endgame Bosses, so that you can learn more about them and better defeat them in future battles.

    Beast In Ice

    Beast in Ice boss fight has now been moved to the standard dungeon, so you don’t need to craft a sigil to enter.

    However, if you already have Beast in Ice sigils obtained from the Seasonal Realm or Eternal characters, remember to keep them. You don’t need to use any materials to enter the battle with Beast in Ice.

    Loot Rewards

    In Season 5 PTR, the Resplendent Spark you get after defeating Tormented bosses is now available in both Hardcore and non-Hardcore.

    Note that Resplendent Sparks and Scattered Prisms will no longer be automatically looted, but don’t worry about missing them, as any items you didn’t get to pick up will be found in the lost items Stash.

    Treasure Goblins

    In previous games, the loot quality of Treasure Goblins has been criticized by players. This time in Season 5 PTR, some improvements have been made. Now you can drop 1-3 Legendary Items and 2-6 Rare Items, and the number of these two items is proportional. The more Legendary Items you get, the more Rare Items you will get.

    Not only has the quality been improved in a lot of ways that players have wanted, but there are also some specific items that have appeared, such as Common Ore, Herbs, Leather, and Gem Fragments, and even Diablo 4 Gold. For example, in World Tier I, you get 40k Gold; in World Tier IV, you get 150k Gold.

    In addition to the items just mentioned, Treasure Goblins also drop Forgotten Souls. In addition, in World Tier I and II/World Tier III/World Tier IV, there is a 10/20/30% chance of dropping 1-2 Scattered Prisms.

    We have introduced so many details about Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR. Let’s look forward to its release on June 25! We look forward to your more feedback to make Season 5 better.

  • Diablo 4 July End Giveaways (July 21 To 31) - 10 Lucky Winners On Discord

    Posted: Jun 21, 2024

    July is drawing to a close! To thank all Diablo 4 players for your continued support, IGGM has once again launched a giveaway event for 4 in-game materials. The time of this event is from July 21 to 31, 2024, and only Season 4 Softcore players can join it.

    The following is the total amount of materials we will give away during the event.

    • 2000*Duriel Materials
    • 2000*Andariel Materials
    • 2000*Stygian Stone
    • 4000*Exquisite Blood

    We will draw 10 lucky winners on IGGM Discord during July 31. Each one can get 10% of all the above rewards. That is, if you can be the lucky one, you will get: 200*Duriel Materials + 200*Andariel Materials + 200*Stygian Stone + 400*Exquisite Blood.

    After this event, you can always pay attention to IGGM official X and Discord. We will continue to bring more welfare activities to users and hold giveaways with more prizes. Diablo 4 Season 4 is coming to an end, and we are about to embark on a more exciting journey in Season 5!. Let’s join it and enjoy the last giveaway event of July!

    Event Link On Discord:

    Products Links:

  • Diablo 4 Anniversary Celebration Promotion (June 11 To 21) - Included Exciting Giveaways

    Posted: Jun 11, 2024

    Hello all Diablo 4 players! Time flies. Let’s celebrate the first anniversary of Diablo 4 together! Please enjoy the carnival and experience all kinds of demonic goods in Diablo 4! As a member of the IGGM customer community, you will move forward with us in another year of fighting against the demonic forces of hell.

    To celebrate this exciting moment, IGGM has also launched anniversary celebration promotion to provide players with the biggest discounts on special Diablo 4 products!

    The time of this event is from June 11 to 21, 2024, and only Season 4 Softcore players can join it. Here are promotion details we have launched:

    Down 10% OFF: D4 Gold & D4 Mats

    During the promotion period, get 10% off when you buy D4 Gold, Duriel Materials, Andariel Materials, Varshan Materials, and Stygian Stone.

    10000M Gold Giveaway & 1000 Duriel Mats Giveaway

    During the promotion period, IGGM will also give away 10,000M D4 Gold and 1,000 Duriel Mats through the official X @Iggmcom. During the event, we will randomly draw eligible players and distribute the rewards evenly.

    There are 10 lucky winners in total.

    • 5 Winners for 10,000M Gold, each one gets 2000M
    • 5 Winners for 1000 sets Duriel Mats, each one gets 200 sets

    Please note that in order to participate in this lottery, you must: Like+Repost+Tag a friend!

    The final winners of this sweepstakes will be revealed on June 21th!

    This promotion is to thank many players for their support over the years and bring new fun to players during the anniversary event. It is worth noting that if you want to participate in this promotion on time and be the lucky one, please don’t forget to follow the official IGGM X, there are more exciting things waiting for you!

    Diablo 4 Season 4 is in full swing, the horn of the event has been blown, let’s join in and enjoy this Diablo 4 Anniversary!

    Event Link On X:

    Event Link On Discord:

    Products Links:

  • Diablo 4 Anniversary Celebration Promotion (June 8 To 28) - Included Exciting Giveaways

    Posted: Jun 07, 2024

    -Note: The lottery results have been announced in advance on X in advance!!!

    -Reason: According to feedback from many customers who participated in this lucky draw, the activity cycle is too long. Therefore, after careful consideration, we has drawed the prize in advance on June 11, 2024. Thank you for your patience. In addition, in order to continue to provide more benefits to fans, we has launched another round of lucky draws. We sincerely welcome you to join us. Let's see who will be the next lucky one!

    Hello all Diablo 4 players! Time flies. Let’s celebrate the first anniversary of Diablo 4 together! Please enjoy the carnival and experience all kinds of demonic goods in Diablo 4! As a member of the IGGM customer community, you will move forward with us in another year of fighting against the demonic forces of hell.

    To celebrate this exciting moment, IGGM has also launched the new promotion to provide players with the biggest discounts on Diablo 4 products!

    The time of this event is from June 8 to 28, 2024, and only Season 4 Softcore players can join it. Here are all the promotions we have launched:

    10% Bonus D4 Gold

    During the promotion period, buy any amount of Diablo 4 Gold will receive an additional 10% bonus.

    Down 5% OFF D4 Mats

    During the event, any player who buy Duriel Materials, Andariel Materials, Varshan Materials, and Stygian Stone can enjoy a 5% discount.

    10000M Gold Giveaway & 1000 Duriel Mats Giveaway

    During the promotion period, IGGM will also give away 10,000M D4 Gold and 1,000 Duriel Mats through the official X @Iggmcom. During the event, we will randomly draw eligible players and distribute the rewards evenly. There are 10 lucky winners in total, 5 of them will share 10,000M D4 Gold, 2,000M Gold each, and the other 5 players will share 1,000 Duriel Mats, 200 Duriel Mats each!

    Please note that in order to participate in this lottery, you must: Like+Repost+Tag a friend!

    The final winners of this sweepstakes will be revealed on June 28th!

    This promotion is to thank many players for their support over the years and bring new fun to players during the anniversary event. It is worth noting that if you want to participate in this promotion on time and get the best discount, please don’t forget to follow the official IGGM X, there are more exciting things waiting for you!

    Diablo 4 Season 4 is in full swing, the horn of the event has been blown, let’s join in and enjoy this Diablo 4 Anniversary!

    Products Links:

    Event Link On X:

    Event Link On Discord:

  • Diablo 4 Season 4: Know These 8 Things To Improve Your Combat Effectiveness

    Posted: May 27, 2024

    These 8 tips are useful, especially for newer players, but perhaps even Veterans of the game will find them valuable too.

    Before entering Diablo 4 Season 4, if you have enough Diablo 4 Items in your inventory, they will help increase your likelihood of defeating your enemies.

    Let’s jump right into it.

    1. Auto-cast Abilities

    In case you wonder: Auto casting skills do not require any macro, special mouse or external software. You can turn on auto-cast by simply using your keyboard.

    And here is how: First, go to “options”, then “controls” window.

    Assign the secondary button of a skill you want to auto-cast to one of the numeric keypad buttons. Those are the 1 to 9 buttons on the right side of your keyboard.

    Next, with the “Num Lock” function turned on, Hold the assigned numeric key and press “Num Lock” button to turn off the functionality. And there you go.

    Your character will now auto-cast the ability whenever it’s ready!

    To disable auto-casting, simply turn on “Num Lock” and press the skill button again.

    2. Seasonal Journey Rewards

    The seasonal journey rewards are account-wide, while Iron Wolf’s rewards are character-based. So when you level your first character, you may be wondering which seasonal rewards to pick up and which ones to leave for later, or perhaps for your alts.

    You certainly want to pick up all Iron Wolf’s rewards as soon as you unlock them. Each character can level and pick up their own rewards from that vendor. The level of rewards from Iron Wolf’s also seem to be tied to the level you had when you unlocked them, not when you opened the box.

    So there’s basically no point in holding back. It’s a bit more tricky when it comes to seasonal journey rewards since they are account wide. This means that if you picked a couple of seasonal chapter rewards for your first character, but let’s say then decided to switch a class, you won’t have seasonal journey rewards available on that new character.

    It’s not a big deal. Besides the potential cool Legendaries, and Uniques that could drop from rewards caches. Luckily, though, the drops are very generous in Season 4, so don’t lose sleep over that.

    3. Use Favorite Function

    The third tip I have for you: use “favorite” functionality. In case you didn’t know, you can mark aspects and items as favorite. When you mark aspect as favorite, it will show up first when you are selecting legendary power from Codex of power. This is a big quality of life thing for overtime. You will replace legendary powers Time and time again.

    And here’s how I like using this feature for aspects: When I start a new character and get an idea for a skill or build that I want to use, I go to the “collection” section on the pause menu. It’s the only place where you can actually mark aspects as favorites.

    By the way, the marking is done with a space bar on the PC. Then I go through all the available aspects and mark those that seem applicable to my build.

    It is a bit of a pre-work, but makes your life so much easier in the long run. So you don’t have to search for a specific legendary power. Every single time you want to switch an item, which is a pain in the ass. Now let’s talk about pieces of gear. You can also mark them as favorite to avoid accidentally selling good items to a vendor or stopping you from mass salvaging items at Blacksmith.

    To mark a piece of gear, hover over the item and press the button assigned to mark items as junk twice!

    The first press marks an item as junk, while the second press marks it as favorite. On PC, that’s again a “space bar”. Personally, I like marking all my current equipment as favorite to prevent losing accidentally an item while I am trying out different pieces of gear.

    4. Craft Seasonal Potions

    You can craft seasonal potions with Obols. If you haven’t used seasonal potions yet, make sure to give them a try! Holy Bolt is a particularly strong potion to use as it turns you into a permanent artillery machine.

    Obols are currency that you normally used to gamble for items. You get Obols from Helltides chests. And considering you will probably spam Helltides all the damn time, you will quickly accumulate a lot of Obols. Once you get a decent set, it’s a good time to spend some Obols on potion crafting. Beware, though, that the cost is quite high with 350 Obols per potion. But I would still suggest that you use Holy Bolts despite the high cost.

    The power gain justifies the cost as they provide a massive boost to your damage, especially when playing Minion Necromancer.

    5. Aspects’ Icons On Items

    The next tip I got for you is to pay attention to symbols on the items at Blacksmith. So you get inventory full of legendary items. How do you know easily which ones to sell and which to salvage? Go to Blacksmith and salvage the items with the white icon on them.

    This icon means that the legendary power on this piece of gear is either not unlocked in your Codex of Power, or the value of legendary power on the item is higher than the one you have unlocked in Codex of Power.

    So whichever is the case, you definitely want to salvage this item unless you want to use it. There is also another red-ish icon, which means that salvaging this item unlocks a new cosmetic look. These icons, unfortunately, were not visible so easily when opening inventory, without going to an NPC like Blacksmith or vendor.

    To see them in your inventory. Without going to NPC, you have to hover over an item and look for an icon with a text explanation at the bottom of the item description. This can be unfortunately easy to miss, especially when you have to compare function turned on.

    This way, the item description often does not fit into the screen and requires you to scroll down to see the icon. It’s kind of annoying and I hope they will change it in the future.

    6. Enchanting Affixes Preview

    You can check possible Affixes when enchanting an item. So you get a nice piece of gear but want to change one affix on it. You go to Occultist and enchant that statistic, but how do you know whether you should keep that new Affix or perhaps roll further?

    Here’s where the icon located at the top-right corner of Enchanting Window comes to the rescue. It shows the list of all possible Affixes to be rolled and also their ranges! You can actually also access this information on consoles. To do that, simply press “triangle” or “Y” button at the Enchanting window.

    7. Farm Blood Maiden

    Spam Blood Maiden in Helltides for great XP and loot! Helltides has been an awesome place to both level up and get great loot in the process. I strongly recommend you to check out this place Located in every Helltide invaded area, which has an Altar with three pillars. Pillars can be activated by inserting Baneful Hearts, which are dropped across Helltides.

    By the way, you keep Baneful Hearts after Helltide finishes while all unused Cinders are lost after the current Helltide event ends. When all three pillars are activated, waves of enemies will spawn in that location.

    And when enough demons are defeated, the boss will spawn the Blood Maiden.

    She can be a tough enemy who has three main mechanics: First, she spawns disciples who are tougher Elites mobs. You definitely want to deal with them fast so you don’t get overwhelmed later on.

    She also casts fire rings around random players. When you get one on you, move away from the boss and other players to avoid killing everyone.

    And lastly, she will create an expanding circle, dealing with quite high damage. Just simply dodge it. When defeated, Maiden will drop a lot of items with some legendries plus crafting materials. And players who contributed more Baneful Hearts to activate pillars may get more loot. So don’t be a cheap bastard.

    8. Use Profane Mindcages

    Speaking about Helltides, use Profane Minds to boost experience and cinders. Have you noticed Profane Minds in your second inventory tab?

    This item increases the level of enemies in Helltide by 10, for 60 minutes! As far as I know, ten levels above yours is the cap for bonus experience in Diablo 4, so the boost works great.

    Using Profane Minds is a great way to level up faster and get tons of cinders in the process. Don’t be too stingy with them as you will drop Profane Minds in Helltides, anyway.

    And here are a few things to consider: First, the boost lasts 60 minutes, so activate it when you are planning to have a bit longer session.

    Next, dying with Profane Mind actively disables the boost, so use it when the current Helltide enemies are not posing too much threat. And enemies level is capped to 50 in World Tier 1 and 2. So it does not make sense to activate this boost if you are in that Tier while being above level 40.

    These are my gaming experiences, I hope they are useful to you.

  • Diablo 4: These Essential Attention You Should Not Miss When You Play

    Posted: May 24, 2024

    Hello everyone, today I want to introduce to you 10 details that you cannot miss in Diablo 4 Season 4.

    Whether it is for old players or new players, it is a very friendly gaming experience.

    In fact, if you top up Diablo 4 Gold heavily, those enemies will no longer be your match.

    1. Helltides

    Helltides have been reworked. So they have significantly higher monster density. They also start all the way at World Tier 1. So because of this you can do them literally from the start of the game and also they’ve previously been reworked to be up. All the time with except just 5 minute gaps. So for that reason they have more mob density. They’re faster than the level.

    You can access them earlier and they’re up all the time. Because of all these reasons, Helltides are now actually arguably the best way to level in all of Diablo 4 while you’re actually acquiring those lost materials,etc through the leveling process.

    So it double dips in efficiency you probably just want to skip the campaign and farm Helltides.

    2. Unique Items

    All unique items in the game that are not Uber unique items. Now we’re going to drop in World Tier 3 or higher. That means more important than it ever has been to rush to World Tier 3 so that while you’re completing your leveling process. Perhaps in Helltide that we just mentioned, you have the opportunity to acquire some of those build defining Uniques.

    You’re going to need for your in-game build. On top of it, do not forget unique items are now the only items in the game. That actually has four base Affixes as Legendaries. Now their base Affixes are three and you can add two more on for tempering. You can also have greater Affixes onto unique items and can masterwork them.

    So while unique items maybe not have five total Affixes like Legendary items can have after tempering. They’re still going to be pretty strong because they have four base can have multiple greater Affixes on those four base. And then also can be masterworked while also dropping earlier in the game.

    3. Trading

    Utilizing trading if somebody who does not prefer the solo experience. Trading in this game is going to be better than any of the previous Seasons. Unique items can now be traded Legendary items can be traded anything, any item in the game basically that has not been tempered or masterwork can now be traded as long as it’s not in Uber unique.

    As those are the only items that cannot be traded. For that reason, if you get a drop that’s either valuable. Maybe for a build that’s not the one you’re using or if you need to acquire an item. Don’t forget to get or sell your items as they now have a use. You can also trade boss materials in the game, meaning if you’re going to farm for those Uber unique non-tradable items.

    You can use the goal you got from selling some of the items you’ve acquired, including the unique items. And then get those boss materials for the gold, you have gold will be needed in Season 4, because masterworking is going to take a significant amount of gold to accomplish. For all these reasons, trading is going to be better in season 4.

    4. Armor

    Blizzard has changed the way in Season 4 that armor works. There’s now a maximum physical damage reduction of 85% and this is capped at 9,200 and 30 armor. Because there’s an aspect in the game called Juggernauts Aspect. That will give you more armor at max level than you even need to hit the cap.

    You now can, with just one aspect, max out all the armor your character will need. After that you just have to worry about the other defensive layers like Resistances Barrier and Fortify, for instance. So with just this one aspect, you’ll never have to worry about armor again.

    5. Uber Unique

    Craft any Uber unique you want, regardless of which Uber unique you got as a drop. Let me explain it to you. So, for instance, this Iron wolves theme, this is a reputational system, one of the rewards for doing this in season 4 is going to be getting a Resplendant Spark. You get a second Resplendant Spark from killing tormented Echoes, the new higher tier of the boss, and you get a third Resplendant Spark from killing Lilith herself.

    This means that’s three Sparks, you get that, plus you get an Uber's unique drop from killing any of the other Uber bosses continually until that happens. You will still be gated by the RNG,so you require Uber unique.

    You salvage that you get that gives you four total Sparks. You can now craft with those four total Sparks, an Uber unique of your choosing. So because of this, as long as you get a singular Uber unique drop, you can turn it into any Uber unique in the game that you actually want.

    6. Leveling Build

    Use a leveling build when you’re starting out. This will make it easier for you to level as you’re progressing through the game.You compare this with the fact that once you’ve leveled with the leveling build.

    You can use one of Scrolls of Amnesia. You’re going to get during the seasonal Journey which allows you to reset all of your skill trees, Paragon Boards, etc. For free and then swap to an in-game build with the items that you have acquired. Now, if you remember from one of the previous tips, all the uniques drop from World Tier 3 going forward.

    So by time to time you hit the level 100 and you finish the leveling process, you have a much higher chance now. To have everything you need stored within that New Codex, which is a new quality of life where you can store all your new aspects within Codex, even your highest power aspects.

    You find throughout the game and you have a much higher chance of having the unique items Etc. you need. Then you can switch to your in-game variety of the build.

    7. Switching Builds

    Now Feel free to do it if somebody that just wants to learn in-game build from stage one. I totally understand that logic, but this would just save you some time. If someone who’s limited time, you want to level faster and then swap to another build. So this is more of an efficiency thing. That’s not required to do.

    8. Legendaries

    Legendary and unique items that you do not pick up will go back to your stash, anyway. This has a cap of 10 but in Season 4, they have reduced the amount of drops. That are legendary and unique that we’re actually going to be receiving. For this reason, it is harder to fill up this cap, meaning if you don’t want to stop and just pick up gear all the time.

    And we already know that 925 gear is guaranteed at level 95 plus, meaning you don’t have to sit there and identify Legendaries as much. Anyway, you can just go through a Dungeon go back to town after it, see what items actually dropped, look at them at that point and save yourself some time of constantly stopping. Throughout the Dungeon all the time.

    9. Equipment

    Equipment, this isn’t Odie but goodie. If you look at your equipment and it looks like this, it just shows you the stats go to options. After that, what you’re going to do is you’re going to go to gameplay.

    Advanced tool tip compares and advance Tool tip information and turns these on. Go back and look at your items. It’s now going to show you the role that this item is. This will allow you to know if your item rolled very well with its Affixes or fairly poorly.

    This is even more important in season 4 because you’re only going to have three base Affixes. And so you’re going to want to know what that role looks like. Of course, you’re looking for greater a fixes that are going to be 150% of the max row. Anyway, but until you get those, this is going to be important.

    It also lets you compare with advanced comparison as well. Holding shift, it will show you the plus or minus that we’ll acquire if you actually change your equipment pieces between the two you’re comparing. This will very quickly help you know which piece of gear is better.

    10. Boss Ladder

    Boss Ladder has changed since PTR. It used to be you need 5X of the resources to summon one of the tormented level 200 versions of the bosses from the boss ladder. Now it’s only you need 3X of the material, but it still rewards 5X of the boss drops. It means it is much more efficient to use the 3X version summon to get a 5X payout.

    For this reason, you might want to save your boss materials until you’re strong enough to actually take on these level 200 variants of the boss. If you just want to be as efficient as possible with your materials, that’s it.

    Finally, this is what I want to remind everyone. Hope you guys have a great time playing the game.

  • Diablo 4 Season 4: The Most Complete Guide To Kill Tormented Grigoire

    Posted: May 24, 2024


    Welcome to this guide. In Diablo 4 Season 4, Blizzard has added a new mechanism - Torture Bosses. These Torture Bosses are all level 200 versions, which will have higher damage and more health than the previous normal versions. You can also get higher rewards for defeating them. Therefore, if you see Torture Bosses in the game, you will definitely want to look for those level 200 ones. After all, everyone wants higher rewards.

    Now that we are talking about this, you must understand some mechanisms in advance. This guide is extremely important for you when your build isn’t that powerful and can’t defeat it in seconds.

    Before reading this guide, I need to remind you that you can use Diablo 4 Gold to have items, repair equipment, and upgrade gear from within the game. It is an important resource for players to progress in the game and obtain better gear.

    Torment Debuffs

    The first thing we need to know about Torture Bosses is the new Torment Debuffs.

    You can see those red ones in the game, that’s the skull debuffs. This is a mechanism that every boss has. What it does is that when you are hit by certain abilities, the skull debuffs will increase the damage you take in the subsequent battle. It’s non-threatening, unless you’re hit by certain spells and you make a mistake, in which case it does a lot more damage. Based on my previous experience, if you have enough defense and sustain, one or two layers is usually enough, otherwise one hit kills. So you must be wary of these damaging stacks, as you may start over if you are not careful.

    Lightning Maze

    For Grigoire, we can use two abilities reasonably to form stacks with maximum effect. First one is Lightning Beams. Every 30 seconds, it produces a lightning beam like this from Ancient Obelisk. Because they will move from any Ancient Obelisk to walls or between any two Ancient Obelisks, we will see a lot of random patterns in the game. When this phase starts, there will be a little warning pattern that will look like an animation. You’ll see it zoom out here, and then you’ll see the beam come down, and you’ll see the connections happen basically one by one.

    You have to make sure you get moving when this phase begins! Don’t stand stupidly between two Ancient Obelisks or between an Ancient Obelisk and a wall or even next to a wall. In this arena, you can see that some borders do not have Ancient Obelisk, and you cannot stand next to the wall at this time, because it is very likely that you will also be hit by Lightning Beams.

    If Grigoire activates Knockback Attack, everything becomes easy. Grigoire has a frequently used Knockback Attack of its own, which will send you across the entire arena and raise your left arm very far on its own, then unleash Lightning Beams. If you can withstand his Lightning Beams this time, that would be the best. But be careful. When you see it preparing to raise its left arm, it will start Knockback Attack. Make sure you won’t be hit, at least not hit.

    When Grigoire activates Knockback Attack, you can either dash and evade a Teleport or use your Unstoppable. In fact, this damage is not enough to kill Grigoire, but it can knock it back and let your damage stacks accumulate. There are multiple ways you can get Unstoppable on demand and ignore this mechanism entirely. Grigoire still slams very frequently, so you also have to cannot apply it very often.

    Ground Tiles

    So the second ability that makes you suffer from stacks is Ground Tiles. In the later stages of the battle, when Grigoire’s health drops below 50%, there will be an interval before Grigoire disappears. At this time, Ground Tiles begin to light up, and they also have random patterns like Lightning Beams.

    But be careful! Lightning Beams haven’t disappeared yet, so you’ll have to keep moving around to find a safe area. There are nine Ground Tiles in the arena, of which two Ground Tiles will remain safe at a time, and they are also random and may be adjacent or opposite. I haven’t found a complete rule yet, and I hope that future players can crack this rule. But what I am sure of is that it is very difficult to avoid these Ground Tiles on foot.

    So having something like a teleport or a dash, or like an immunity that lets you go through them like a blood mist, is also really helpful for this stage. Because sometimes you’ll get confused and you’ll hit a direction and then everything around is filled. You have to go to the exact opposite side to get to the safe zone for this to happen, in which case if you don’t have anything prepared, then you could be in a really bad situation. Because these ground tiles will actually kill you so quickly compared to those lightning beams, they’ll do high damage, and they’ll also give you stacks very quickly, so basically I don’t know once a second or every second Twice you’ll get one of these stacked.

    So if there is something like a teleport or a dash or you are immune, you can pass this level safely. Sometimes you may be confused. For example, when you stand on a certain Ground Tile, you are surrounded by danger zones and another safe zone is on the opposite side of you. Here, if you don’t have the above things, you will be in a dangerous situation. Ground Tiles do more damage than Lightning Beams and will kill you faster.

    I usually go into the middle first when faced with this situation and then wait for the first Ground Tile to appear. You have to start reacting to the next safe zone. For example, I see that the upper left corner of the arena is slowly filling up, so I have to go to the right. What should be noted here is that you must not think fixedly, because it is a random direction, and you can see in all directions.

    Other than that, Grigoire doesn’t have a lot of mechanics and just slams you in the face with extra lightning bolts or other similar things. None of this is that important, as its auto-attack damage may be enhanced in subsequent expansion packs.

    At least on PTR, he doesn’t pose an actual threat to you yet, and the only two mechanics that really matter are Lightning Beams and Ground Tiles. But if you suffer a lot of these debuffs, you need to pay attention. These debuffs may become fatal dangers in your future game play. Next, keep in mind that if you take two or three stacks during a fight and lose the fight, those stacks start to do actual damage. This means that in future games, you will need to dodge even the most common attacks.


    Hopefully, after reading the entire guide, you will defeat Tormented Grigoire more easily and take down that Tormented version easily. Good luck in season 4 and see you next time.

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