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Elder Scrolls Online Dragonhold Is Live Now On PC/Mac, The Final Chapter Of The Season Of The Dragon

Posted: Oct 22, 2019

Posted: Oct 22, 2019

Source:  IGGM

Just yesterday, the developer Bethesda of the Elder Scrolls Online announced the new DLC Dragonhold live started on PC and Mac, while it doesn't come to PS4 and Xbox One until November 5. This is the sixteen DLC and the final part of the Season of the Dragon questline of ESO in 2019, it would give access to Southern Elsweyr.

Similar to other DLCs, Dragonhold is free for all ESO Plus members, while others must pay 2000 Crowns for the new DLC, and in the Crown store, every 3,000 crowns cost $25.

Throughout Southern Elsweyr, you would encounter countless challenges in three unique biomes, delves, world bosses, quests, Dragon hunts and more, along with a series of improvements and changes.

The once-wealth Pellitine was devastated by a terrible plague and fire, only the southern capital of Senchal left, Southern Elsweyr, but the dragons invaded from the north and brought huge threat.

Sai Sahan is your helper, who can work together with you in order to stop the dragons from once again dominating Pellitine and restore the Dragonguard, the ancient order of Dragon hunters, this is an adventure full of danger, and teamwork is much simpler than fighting alone all the time. And you must be brave enough to stop the dragon's plan with your friends for slowing down the threat to Tamriel.

When completing the questline of Dragonhold, you are able to unlock special bonus quests as the full conclusion to the year-long story, such as the new zone sets, three crafted sets, new pets, furnishings, outfit styles, not all players can get the achievements and collectibles, and your efforts will never be in vain.

Following Dragongold DLC, Update 24 of ESO is also coming, which includes an overhaul of the memory management system, combat ability improvements and an overhaul of the Looking for Group system.

When we got here, this year-long story completely came to an end, and there are only two months left in 2019, hopefully you can have a good time on Dragonhold.

As one of the trustworthy and competitive MMORPG service providers, iGGM is selling cheap ESO Gold for all players, which plays a very vital role throughout the game when you are sick or tired of farming all day.


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