Path Of Exile 2 Items
- Early Access SC
- Early Access HC
Rare Items
Unique items
Rare Jewels
Rare Waystones
Magic Tablets
Skill Gems
Soul Cores
Pinnacle Keys & Maps
Distilled Items
Ritual Omens
Breach Catalysts
Start Bundles
Expedition Coinace & Artifacts
Body Armour
One-Handed Mace
One-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Axe
Two-Handed Mace
Two-Handed Sword
Body Armour
One-Handed Mace
One-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Axe
Two-Handed Mace
Two-Handed Sword
Body Armour
One-Handed Mace
One-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Axe
Two-Handed Mace
Two-Handed Sword
Uncut Skill Gem
Uncut Support Gem
Uncut Spirit Gem
Leeches #% of Physical Damage as Mana
#% increased Chaos Damage
#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Hit
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Electrocute Buildup
Leeches #% of Physical Damage as Life
#% increased Chance to be afflicted by Ailments when Hit
#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Leech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Mana
#% increased Cast Speed
#% chance to not consume a bolt if you've Reloaded Recently
#% Reduced Dexterity
Leech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Life
#% increased Bolt Speed
#% chance to not destroy Corpses when Consuming Corpses
#% Reduced Intelligence
Iron Grip
#% increased Block chance
#% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Maximum Mana
#% increased Bleeding Duration on you
#% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows
Causes Increased Stun Buildup
Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you
#% increased Attribute Requirements
#% increased Area of Effect
#% To Black Chance
Hits against you have #% reduced Critical Damage Bonus
#% increased Attack Speed per # Dexterity
#% increased Area of Effect of Curses
#% Increased Skin Speed
Hits Break # Armour
#% increased Attack Speed
#% increased Arrow Speed
#% Reduced Damage
Grenade Skills Fire an additional Projectile
#% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
#% increased Attack Damage
#% Increased Life Recovery From Fiasks
Grants # additional Skill Slot
#% increased Armour and Evasion
#% increased Attack Speed with Bows
Monsters Have #% Increased Accuracy Rating
Grants # Life per Enemy Hit
#% increased Armour and Energy Shield
#% increased Attack Speed with Crossbows
Area Contains # Additional Packs Of Beasts
Gain #% to #% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit again
#% increased Armour
#% increased Attack Speed with Quarterstaves
#% Increased Magic Monsters
Gain #% of Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
#% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Gain #% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
#% increased Accuracy Rating
#% increased Bleeding Duration
#% More Monster Life
Gain #% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
#% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
#% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
#% Increased Number Of Rare Monsters
Gain # Rage on Melee Hit
#% chance to Pierce an Enemy
#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Monsters Deal #% Of Damage As Extra Fire
Gain # Mana per Enemy Killed
# to maximum Life
#% increased Crossbow Reload Speed
Monster Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances
Gain # Life per Enemy Killed
# to maximum Energy Shield
#% increased Culling Strike Threshold
Enemies In Your Presence Are Igniter As Though Dealt # Base Fire Damage
Gain # Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks
# to all Attributes
#% increased Damage
# Charm Slots
Every Rage also grants #% increased Armour
# to Stun Threshold
#% increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour
Item Level
Energy Shield Recharge starts when you use a Mana Flask
# to Strength
#% increased Damage while you have an active Charm
#% Reduced Attack And Cast Speed
Debuffs you inflict have #% increased Slow Magnitude
# to Level of all Spell Skills
#% increased Damage with Bows
Attacks Per Second
Culling Strike against Frozen Enemies
# to Level of all Projectile Skills
#% increased Damage with Crossbows
Skills Have # Seconds To Cooldown
Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for #% of their Life as Physical Damage
# to Level of all Physical Spell Skills
#% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies
Attacks Per Second #
Causes Daze buildup equal to #% of Damage dealt
# to Level of all Minion Skills
#% increased Damage with Maces
#% Of Fire Damage Convertedto Cold Damage
Causes #% increased Stun Buildup
# to Level of all Melee Skills
#% increased Damage with Quarterstaves
Take # Fire Damage When You Ignite An Enemy
Blood Magic
# to Level of all Lightning Spell Skills
#% increased Damage with Warcries
#% Increased Duration
Attacks have #% chance to cause Bleeding
# to Level of all Fire Spell Skills
#% increased Daze Buildup
Deals #% Of Current Mana As Chaos Damace To You When Effect Ends
Attacks Gain #% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
# to Level of all Cold Spell Skills
#% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
Every #% Seconds During Effect, Deal #% Of Mana Spent In Those Seconds As Chaos Damage To Enemies Within
Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy Armour
# to Level of all Chaos Spell Skills
#% increased Duration of Ignite, Shock and Chill on Enemies
#% Increased Bonuses Gained From Equipped Rings
Always deals Critical Hits against Heavy Stunned Enemies
# to Intelligence
#% increased Effect of your Mark Skills
#% Increased Effect Of Socketed Souicores
Allies in your Presence have #% to all Elemental Resistances
# to Evasion Rating
#% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold
Adds # To # Lightning Damage To Attacks Per # Ntelligence
Allies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Hit Chance
# to Dexterity
#% increased Elemental Damage
#% Increased Gold Found In This Area
Allies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Damage Bonus
# to Armour
#% increased Endurance Charge Duration
Allies in your Presence have #% increased Cast Speed
# to Accuracy Rating
#% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
Allies in your Presence have #% increased Attack Speed
# to # Physical Thorns damage
#% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life
Allies in your Presence have # to Accuracy Rating
# Physical damage taken from Projectile Attacks
#% increased Experience gain
Allies in your Presence deal #% increased Damage
# Mana gained when you Block
#% increased Flask Effect Duration
Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Physical Damage
# Life Regeneration per second
#% increased Freeze Threshold
Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Lightning Damage
# Intelligence Requirement
#% increased Global Physical Damage
Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Fire Damage
# Charm Slot
#% increased Knockback Distance
Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Cold Damage
#% increased Area of Effect for Attacks per # Intelligence
#% increased Life Flask Charges gained
Allies in your Presence Regenerate # Life per second
#% increased Life Regeneration rate
All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup
#% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks
#% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict
Adds # to # Physical Damage
#% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
Adds # to # Lightning damage to Attacks
#% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
Adds # to # Lightning Damage
#% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Adds # to # Fire damage to Attacks
#% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Adds # to # Fire Damage
#% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
Adds # to # Cold damage to Attacks
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Fragile Regrowth
Adds # to # Cold Damage
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary
# to maximum Mana
#% increased Melee Damage
# to Spirit
#% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
#% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
#% to all Elemental Resistances
#% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
#% to Maximum Cold Resistance
#% increased Pin Buildup
#% to Lightning Resistance
#% increased Poison Duration
#% to Fire Resistance
#% increased Presence Area of Effect
#% to Critical Hit Chance
#% increased Projectile Damage
#% to Critical Damage Bonus per Power Charge
#% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low Life
#% to Critical Damage Bonus
#% increased Reload Speed
#% to Cold Resistance
#% increased Shock Duration
#% to Chaos Resistance
#% increased Skill Effect Duration
#% to Block chance
#% increased Spell Damage per # Spirit
#% reduced Shock duration on you
#% increased Stun Buildup
#% reduced Ignite Duration on you
#% increased Stun Buildup with Maces
#% reduced Freeze Duration on you
#% increased Stun Recovery
#% reduced Flask Charges used
#% increased Stun Threshold if you haven't been Stunned Recently
#% reduced Chill Duration on you
#% increased Thorns damage
#% reduced Charm Charges used
#% increased Totem Damage
#% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield
#% increased Totem Life
#% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly
#% increased Totem Placement speed
#% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold Damage
#% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
#% increased Weapon Swap Speed
#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage
#% increased amount of Life Leeched
#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Cold Damage
#% increased amount of Mana Leeched
#% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently
#% increased chance to Shock
#% increased maximum Mana
#% increased chance to inflict Ailments
#% increased maximum Energy Shield
#% increased maximum Life
#% increased chance to Ignite
#% more Attack Damage
#% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver
#% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
#% increased Weapon Damage per # Strength
#% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
#% increased Warcry Speed
#% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
#% increased Stun Duration
#% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage
#% increased Strength
#% of Life Regenerated per second per Fragile Regrowth
#% increased Spirit
#% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage
#% increased Spell Physical Damage
#% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker
#% increased Spell Damage
#% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as Life
#% increased Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
# To Strencth
#% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage
#% increased Skill Speed
# Reduced Attribute Requirements
#% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
#% increased Rarity of Items found
#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life
#% increased Range
#% Reduced Poisonn Duration On You
#% of Spell Mana Cost Converted to Life Cost
#% increased Projectile Speed
#% Increased Attack Speed While On Full Mana
#% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence
#% increased Poison Duration on you
#% Increased Magnitude Of Chill You Inflict
#% reduced Effect of Chill on you
#% increased Physical Damage
#% Increased Flask Charges Used
#% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
#% increased Movement Speed while affected by an Ailment
#% Of Cold Damage Converted To Lightning Damage
#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
#% increased Movement Speed
Damage Penetrates # Lightning Resistance
#% reduced effect of Ignite on you
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% Reduced Light Radius
#% reduced effect of Shock on you
#% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Enemies In Your Presence Are Ignited As Though Dealt # Base Fire Damage
#% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% Increased Duration Of Damaging Ailments On Enemies
#% to Maximum Chaos Resistance
#% increased Light Radius
#% To Lichtninc Resistance
#% to Maximum Fire Resistance
Adds # To # Lightning Damage To Attacks Per # Jntelligence
#% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
Maximum Quality Is #
#% to Maximum Lightning Resistance
Of Elemental Damage Convertedto Fire Damage
#% increased Intelligence
#% Increased Stun Threshold
#% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance
#% increased Freeze Buildup
Projectiles Split Towards # Targets
#% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
#% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
# Life gained when you Block
#% to maximum Block chance
#% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
+# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
#% increased Flask Charges gained
# Physical Damage taken on Minion Death
+# to Spirit
#% increased Fire Damage
# to # Fire Thorns damage
+# to maximum Mana
#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
# to Level of all Fire Skills
Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks
#% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
# to Level of all Skills
All Damage from Hits Contributes to Poison Magnitude
#% increased Evasion Rating
# to Maximum Frenzy Charges
Allies in your Presence have Block Chance equal to yours
#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
# to Maximum Power Charges
Allocates #
#% increased Energy Shield
# to Maximum Rage
Area contains an additional Shrine
#% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks
# to all Attributes per Level
Attacks Chain an additional time
Warcry Skills have #% increased Area of Effect
#% increased Dexterity
#% additional Physical Damage Reduction
Attacks Gain #% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Strikes deal Splash damage to targets within # metres
#% increased Damage with Bow Skills
#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy
Attacks Gain #% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Recover # Life when Used
#% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus
#% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
Base Critical Hit Chance for Attacks with Weapons is #%
Projectiles Pierce all Ignited enemies
#% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
#% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with Attacks
Bleeding you inflict is Aggravated
#% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks
#% chance to Avoid Death from Hits
Blind Chilled enemies on Hit
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
#% increased Critical Hit Chance
#% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks
Bow Attacks fire # additional Arrows
Minions gain #% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
#% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage
#% chance to Blind Enemies on hit
Break #% increased Armour
Minions Revive #% faster
#% increased Critical Damage Bonus
#% chance to Chain an additional time
Cannot be Ignited
Mana Flasks gain # charges per Second
#% increased Cold Damage
#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for # seconds on Hit
Cannot be Poisoned
Loads an additional bolt
#% increased Charm Effect Duration
#% chance to Poison on Hit
Causes Bleeding on Hit
Life Flasks gain # charges per Second
#% increased Charm Charges gained
#% chance to Poison on Hit with Attacks
Causes Double Stun Buildup
Leeches #% of maximum Life when you Cast a Spell
#% increased Charges gained
#% chance to be inflicted with Bleeding when Hit
Chance to Ignite is doubled
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Advanced Pelt Leggings#891596
Hate Shatter Advanced Slim Mace#21693
Corruption Trap Rawhide Belt#609602
Oblivion Fingers#601444
Morbid Pendant Stellar Amulet#376259
Torment Cry#916921
Storm Skin Advanced Scale Mail#102547
Loath Rosary#367531
Corruption Spiral Iron Ring#381572
Rapture Urge Advanced Secured Leggings#506238
Corruption Rosary Amber Amulet#233456
Corruption Breaker Stoic Sceptre#813106
Bramble Spell Ashen Staff#157834
Brimstone Lock Utility Belt#891436
Blicht Band Unset Ring#783905
Spirit Pelt Advanced Marabout Garb#823318
Tempest Span#879006
Loath Call Advanced Voodoo Focus#724521
Armageddon Gyre Emerald Ring#194548
Hypnotic Charm#778753
Dread Thresher Advanced Slim Mace#534657
Doom Branch Siphoning Wand#791729
Corpse Pile Voltaic Staff#928842
Plague Branch Volatile Wand#404946
Soul Cord Mail Belt#746279
Advanced Ironclad Vestments
Bramble Nock Advanced Shortbow
Doom Charm Expert Plumed Focus
What Are POE 2 Items?
POE 2 Items serve as a character's equipment and encompass various game features.
In Path of Exile 2, there are 700 unique equipment base types, each with its own distinct item waiting to be discovered. You can enhance your arsenal with a variety of new weapons like Spears, Crossbows, and Flails, along with supplementary items such as Focuses, Traps, and redesigned Sceptres. Each base type will have a Unique version upon release, closely aligned with the visual identity of the base item.
What Types Of Items Are There In Path Of Exile 2?
Path of Exile 2, a sequel to the original game, introduces new item types and adjustments to existing ones:
- Equipment: POE 2 Items now feature a Quality attribute affecting base stats, upgradeable with specific currency items.
- Currency: Used for item modification or trading, some currency items like Orb of Annulment now remove a random influence, while Orb of Binding links all sockets on an item.
- Divination Cards: Collectible items exchangeable for specific items, some have been altered to align with new Path of Exile 2 Items & mechanics.
- Quest Items: Obtainable through quests, some have been altered or removed, like Maligaro's Map, no longer necessary for accessing Chamber of Sins.
- Skill Gems: These gems, granting skills when socketed, are now independent of equipment sockets, offering greater flexibility and customization.
- Prophecies: These items still foretell future events and can be sealed or activated; some reflect new content and mechanics in Path of Exile 2.
- Maps: Granting access to end-game areas, maps now feature different rarities and mods reflecting the updated storyline and endgame.
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Path Of Exile 2 Ekbab And Iktab: How To Defeat This Duo Boss?
It has been more than two months since the official release of POE 2 early access. How is your game’s progress? Have you successfully entered the endgame stage? If you are still stuck in the first three acts because of insufficient level or too powerful bosses, don’t worry, we will provide you with some help!
As you know, POE series of games has always been known for its high difficulty, so in order to defeat each boss you encounter, you not only need to consume POE 2 Currency in advance to exchange for more powerful gear or armor for your character, but also need to understand the fighting style of these bosses.
Based on this, this time we will introduce you to the duo boss Ekbab And Iktab in the second act. By analyzing the different ways to deal with these two bosses, we can help you defeat them smoothly.
Introduction To Ekbab And Iktab
The full names of these two bosses are Ekbab, the Ancient Steed and Iktab, the Deathlord. You’ll encounter them in Act II because you’ll be asked to assemble Horn of the Vastiri as part of the pre-quest, and you’ll need to collect three items to do so. One of them, Mastodon Tusks, is part of A Theft of Ivory quest, and you’ll need to go to Mastodon Badlands, Bone Pits for this, where you’ll encounter this double boss.
Overall Battle Strategy
Once the battle is triggered, both bosses will attack you at the same time, so you’ll need to decide how to deal with them in advance to avoid being caught off guard. It’s worth noting that whichever boss you defeat first, the other boss will become more powerful afterwards, increasing the efficiency of each of its attacks.
So you can’t focus on taking down one of them like you would a normal Path of Exile 2 boss, it’s best to deal as much damage to them as possible, let their health drain at a similar rate, and then quickly kill them both during your attack turn.
If you find it too difficult to kill both bosses at the same time, you can also try to kill Iktab first, as he’s the more dangerous of the two. Because Ekbab’s enhanced attacks can be avoided by flexible dodging, and its attacks will not become stronger as the battle progresses, but Iktab’s attacks will be more difficult to deal with.
On this basis, it is recommended that you trade with others with POE 2 Chaos Orbs you obtain in exchange for some equipment with lightning resistance to improve your survivability in battle, because Iktab’s lightning attacks and lightning wand attacks will significantly reduce your health.
Ekbab, The Ancient Seed Attack Patterns & Skills
Since the skills and attack methods used by these two bosses in battle are different, they will be introduced to you separately.
1. Ground Slam
When using this skill, Ekbab will raise its front hooves and slam the area in front of it, causing a wave of cascading damage. When you see Ekbab standing up, move away from it immediately to avoid this attack.
2. Tusk Swipe
When Ekbab launches this skill, it will swing its head to the left to cause damage, so you can more easily avoid this attack by just staying on its right side. However, sometimes Ekbab may follow your movement trajectory and swing to the right, so always be vigilant.
3. Charge
This skill allows Ekbab to deal straight-line damage to you by charging forward, and Ekbab will retreat before charging forward. Your best bet is to keep your distance from the boss so that you can more easily avoid this attack.
In fact, most of Ekbab’s attacks can be avoided by moving to its sides, so when you see it preparing to attack, dodge to its sides in time according to the distance between you. While this is not difficult, avoiding Ekbab’s attacks while avoiding Iktab’s attacks is the real challenge.
If you kill Iktab first, Ekbab will gain more power, specifically it will create a smaller Ghost Nova of Iktab and then shoot projectiles at you, and also let one or two smaller ghost orbs follow you and explode when they get close to you, which you can detonate by dodging at the last second.
Iktab, The Dreadlord Attack Patterns & Skills
Iktab has more skills than Ekbab and is more difficult to deal with, so you have to focus on him.
1. Lightning Wand
This skill will fire small lightning projectiles at you that explode on impact. This attack is hard to avoid and hard to foresee, and the only way to avoid it is to either distance yourself from the boss as soon as you see the first set of lightning projectiles or time them to dodge.
2. Sigil Meteor
Three orange marks will appear on the ground after the boss uses this skill, and then a meteor will fall on them. Simply avoid the orange marks to avoid the meteor.
3. Lightning Strikes
With this skill, Iktab will randomly strike small areas of the arena with lightning. These lightning strikes are indicated by small light blue marks, just avoid them.
4. Ghost Nova
This skill will cause a nova to appear in the center of the arena, which will slowly rotate while firing projectiles at you at a regular interval. To avoid taking damage, you need to move to the edge of the arena and move with the nova to avoid the projectiles.
5. Bone Tendrils
After using this skill, the boss will summon five circular AOEs near your feet. After a moment, they will explode and can be avoided by keeping moving. However, Iktab will only use this attack after Ekbab dies.
When Iktab gains extra power due to Ekbab’s death, all of its attacks will become stronger. For example, Sigil Meteor will form more marks to cover a larger area of the arena; Lightning Strikes will cover a higher density; Ghost Nova’s projectiles will be fired faster, and nova will rotate faster.
It is worth noting that walking too far when dodging Ghost Nova’s projectiles may put you in the path of another projectile. So it is better to walk with the projectiles as the nova rotates, rather than dodge every projectile.
Related: Path of Exile 2 Currency Free Giveaways & Promotions
After defeating these two bosses, you will not only get the loot drops but also successfully obtain Mastodon Tusks to complete the assembly of Horn of the Vastiri and continue your journey in Path of Exile 2. But if you are short of orbs to exchange for gear during the battle, you can try to participate in the seventh POE 2 giveaway event in IGGM Discord, which will give you a chance to win a lot of free orbs!

Path Of Exile 2 Ritual: How To Get More Loot With This Mechanic?
Although the early stages of Path of Exile 2 are easier to explore than the endgame, the endgame offers more loot. This is not only to match the high difficulty of the endgame, but also because the endgame will provide you with more mechanics to broaden your POE 2 Currency farming channels.
Among all the new content in POE 2 endgame, the most noteworthy are four main mechanics: Breach, Ritual, Delirium and Expedition. We have introduced several of them to you through other related information before, and this time we will introduce you to Ritual.
What Is Ritual?
As one of the endgame mechanics of Path of Exile 2, Ritual can help you get endgame gear and Divine Orbs through combat. In this way, you can not only enhance your game character but also exchange your Divine Orbs for more benefits through the currency exchange system.
Currency exchange is unlocked when you enter the endgame and reach the game’s Cruel difficulty, allowing you to trade currency items with other players, thus easing the intensity of your POE 2 item farming work. But before that, you need to master the operation of Ritual in order to earn enough orbs.
How Does Ritual Work?
During the operation of Ritual, corresponding altars will be generated. These altars will be scattered on specific Waystones on the map, or you can think any Waystone with a ritual symbol will have a series of altars distributed throughout the node.
At the location of these altars, there will be some enemies that must be defeated. They will be resurrected again after the altar is activated. It is worth noting that each altar will randomly come with one of 5 conditions, which will change the battle in a corresponding form and restrict your movement area. These conditions are:
- Contaminated - Blood waves will pass through the arena during the battle.
- Infested - Deadly tornadoes will always follow you.
- Sapping - Make the arena always full of purple clouds, and standing in it will reduce your elemental resistance, and enemies will gain elemental resistance.
- Smothered - Explosive pods form in the arena and follow you around.
- Tainted - Enemies spawn explosive pods when they die, which explode when you get close to them.
You’ll need to adjust your combat strategy to deal with different restrictions. In addition, when you kill an enemy with a Ritual Altar active, you’ll earn Tribute Points, which can be used to claim or delay items acquired through the altar. While these points will persist throughout the current map, they will be reset when you start running a Ritual on a new map.
Ritual Locations
First, you can find playable Rituals on randomly generated Waystones throughout the map. Second, you can find some Rituals by using Ritual Precursor Tablet on a Watchtower, which will make five to ten map nodes within range of Watchtower offer your Ritual altars. Often these tablets may drop from Ritual enemies on previous nodes.
How To Farm In Ritual?
Also Read: Player Feedback: The Endgame In Path Of Exile 2 Would Be Better With Some Changes!
If you want to get POE 2 Regal Orbs or more types of orbs through Ritual farming, then you need to get as many altars as possible. To do this, you first need to target map nodes with Ritual symbols, and get Omens and possible tablet drops by completing these Rituals, so that you can get more Ritual nodes with tablets.
How To Build Atlas Tree For Ritual?
There are some branches in POE 2 Atlas skill tree dedicated to enhancing the effects of Ritual, which is divided into two categories: rewarding you with more tributes, and making item farming more focused on enemy drops. The latter branch will have a greater effect, so it will be introduced to you in detail.
In this skill tree branch, the best skills are From The Mists, Spreading Darkness, and Ominous Portents. From The Mists adds two extra packs of monsters to each altar and increases the chance of slate drops; Spreading Darkness ensures that there are always four altars in all Ritual nodes; Ominous Portents gives you a 50% chance of Omens drops while making enemies appear faster.
If you can, you can also try to unlock He Approaches. This skill increases the rarity of monsters during Ritual and the drop rate of An Audience With The King. Due to the difficulty of this option is too high, you’d better choose it carefully unless your character is strong enough.
How To Defer Items?
Although deferring an item during a Ritual will consume a small amount of tribute, it can bring you more benefits by locking the item in place so that it will reappear in a future Ritual with a lower tribute tag. So you can repeat this process as many times as you can and unlock some related Atlas skill nodes for it.
In general, while Ritual may not be able to upgrade your builds, Omens you get when farming it can be exchanged for a variety of POE 2 orbs, giving you the opportunity to continue to exchange for more precious game items. Of course, you can also get some free orbs by participating in POE 2 giveaway event on IGGM Discord! Good luck!