Diablo 4: How To Choose The Best Class For You? - Sorcerer, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer & Druid
Posted: Jun 19, 2023
Posted: Jun 19, 2023
Source: IGGMThere are five classes in Diablo 4, they are Sorcerer, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer and Druid. So how do we choose the most suitable class for ourselves? The following guide will help you.
Different Classes In Diablo 4
In Diablo 4, you have the right to choose a hero, and each corresponding Class has a different game style. If you have a favorite Class, you can still try another Class to see the difference. And the builds of each Class are different. During the process, Diablo 4 Gold is essential.
Diablo 4 Classes And Game Mechanics
Among the five major Classses in Diablo 4, each of them has a unique Game Mechanism, and the corresponding gameplay is also different, such as skills, talents and specific gameplay. If you can't choose, then you can first understand the advantages and disadvantages of each career, and then choose according to your personal preferences.
Sorcerer is a traditional spellcaster, which use the power of the elements to attack enemies. Sorcerer can burn enemies with fire, freeze them with ice or strike them with lightning. In addition, Enchantment Mechanic will also be used by Sorcerer, which is very powerful. If you are interested in Sorcerer, you can learn more about it from the following aspects:
- Sorcerer skills
- Sorcerer talents
- Sorcerer Enchantments overview
- Sorcerer leveling build
- Best Sorcerer builds
- Best Sorcerer Enchantments
- Best Sorcerer Legendary Aspects
As the main hero of Diablo 4 series, Barbarian has received a lot of love from players. In battle, Barbarians are good at using Weapon Arsenal mechanic, they charge headlong into battle, leaping down to smash opponents and screaming at the top of their lungs with their warcries. But due to their different abilities, Barbarian's weapons are also specific types, such as slicing, bludgeoning, two-handed and so on. If you are interested in Barbarian, you can learn more about it from the following aspects:
- Barbarian skills
- Barbarian talents
- Barbarian build
- Barbarian Technique, Expertise, and Arsenal Weapon Swapping
- Best Barbarian builds
- Best Barbarian Legendary Aspects
Rogue is known for its agility, which can be used to quickly eliminate enemies or dodge attacks through its speed. Similar to Amazon and Demon Hunter game careers, Rogue implements a mix of melee and ranged combat. As Rogue, you can damage enemies at close range, then run away quickly and shoot from a distance. In addition, Imbuement mechanic is also very effective against their attacks, which can inject poison and other damage into the attack. If you are interested in Rogue, you can learn more about it from the following aspects:
- Rogue skills
- Rogue talents
- Rogue level build
- Rogue Specializations
- Best Rogue builds
- Best Rogue Legendary Aspects
Necromancers have been a long-time favorite with Diablo 4 fans due to their strong lore and their ability to not be underestimated. The most important thing for Necromancer is to cultivate undead minions/golems, making corpses explode, and using the powers of bone and poisons. If you are interested in Necromancer, you can learn more about it from the following aspects:
- Necromancer skills
- Necromancer talents
- Necromancer leveling build
- Necromancer Book of the Dead
- Best Necromancer builds
- Best Necromancer Legendary Aspects
Druid is hybrid in Diablo 4, mainly including two aspects:
First, they can spellcasting, it let them call on the elements through communication with nature;
Second, they can also transform into ferocious beasts, which can tear enemies to shreds if they get too close. If you are interested in Druid, you can learn more about it from the following aspects:
- Druid skills
- Druid talents
- Druid builds
- Druid Spirit Animals
If you are struggling with how to choose a class, the above guide can help you.
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Diablo 4 Season 7 Obducite Farming: Which Method Is The Most Efficient? - Nightmare Dungeons vs Infernal Hordes vs Kurast Undercity
As we all know, Obducite is one of the important materials you need when entering Diablo 4 Season 7 endgame, they can help you quickly upgrade your equipment in order to clear higher Pits or simply dominate Torment 4 and do your favorite grinding activities. Whatever the reason, we all need it, and accumulating a lot of Obducite quickly is the goal of almost every player!
As you know, there are 3 sources to get Obducite in Diablo 4. The first and most popular is of course Nightmare Dungeons, then Infernal Hordes, and last but not least is Kurast Undercity using Tribute of Refinement. But which one is the fastest way to get as much Obducite as possible in the shortest time? Here, we will try to answer this question.
Nightmare Dungeons
First of all, as you know, Nightmare Dungeons have always been one of the best sources of Obducite in Diablo 4, and this is also true in Season 7. But did you know that not all Nightmare Dungeons are the same?
It turns out that the amount of XP and Obducite you can get is based on the ranking of Nightmare Dungeon, which depends on the size, layout, and monster density of the dungeon. Therefore, some Nightmare Dungeons are better for you to farm materials than others. However, this ranking changes from season to season, so we will introduce 8 so-called S-tier Nightmare Dungeons in Season 7 that are your best choice for Obducite.
For the ranking of these dungeons, we followed two important factors. The first is based on how fast you can clear the dungeon, for this we assume that 3 minutes is the best time for you to clear Nightmare Dungeons, and the other influencing factor is based on the amount of Obducite you can get.
Of course, we know that there are many factors that can change the results, but please note that here we exclude the results of encountering Butcher or finding multiple Goblins, so Obducite you can actually get is definitely more considerable than we expect.
In the final list of Nightmare Dungeons, you can see that the 8 most suitable dungeons for farming are:
- Ancient’s Lament
- Sarat’s Lair
- Deserted Underpass
- Mariner’s Refuge
- Uldur’s Cave
- Sirocco Caverns
- Forsaken Quarry
- Caldera Gate
The good thing about these 8 dungeons is that their layouts are very simple, which means that they either have only one layer like Uldur’s Cave, Forsaken Quarry, Mariner’s Refuge, Sarat’s Lair, and Ancient’s Lament, or if there are 2 layers, the layout feels like walking a straight line, allowing you to clear the dungeon very quickly, just like Deserted Underpass, Sirocco Caverns or Caldera Gate dungeons.
The most important thing is that the density of monsters in these dungeons is very high, some of these dungeons are what we call spider-themed dungeons, you know when you kill a spider more spiders will spawn, so these dungeons are the best. Not only can you collect more Obducite from them, but you also have the opportunity to make a good profit of Diablo 4 Gold by group clearing a lot of mobs, killing two birds with one stone!
In addition to these, we also found Feeding Grounds, Light’s Watch, and Blind Burrows. The problem with Feeding Grounds and Light’s Watch is that they are both large dungeons, unless you have an excellent fast farming build, it will take you a long time to clear them, and you don’t get much Obducite from these dungeons compared to other dungeons.
Blind Burrows is another spider dungeon, very similar to Sarat’s Lair, but Sarat’s Lair is better because it is completed faster. So, if you can choose, it is recommended that you always choose Sarat’s Lair or any other dungeon first.
So, taking into account the time it takes to clear a dungeon, teleport back to town, and the loading times, you can earn up to 1,500 Obducite every 4-5 minutes if you farm these dungeons as quickly as possible. That means on average you can run about 12 dungeons per hour and get a total of 18,000 Obducite.
The problem here, though, is that these Dungeon Keys are random drops, and even if you can craft them, that can affect your farming efficiency.
Infernal Hordes
The second method brings us to our beloved Infernal Hordes. Obducite has been given an enormous boost this season, with Hellborne option appearing more often than ever before. This is great because even if you have a really bad speed farming build like Blood Wave Necromancer, you should still get 800 to 900 Burning Aether every 10 waves, for an average of 4,500 Obducite per run.
I think better builds should be able to get around 1200 Aether on average, since they will be completing Infernal Hordes in a shorter time. This means that in one hour you should get between 17,000 and 20,000 Obducite. If we compare this amount to the 18,000, you can get in Nightmare Dungeon, you can almost say they are about the same.
Kurast Undercity
We come to the last contender, which is Kurast Undercity with Tribute of Refinement. As you know, Kurast Undercity just appeared last season, and you can get Mythic Uniques, materials, and Obducite from it, depending on the type of Tribute you use.
To get Obducite, you need Tribute of Refinement, and according to our data, these Tributes are currently the best source for Obducite. In 30 minutes, we did a total of 8 dungeon runs and got a whopping 16,000 Obducite. Note that these runs took place at Torment level 4, but we are not sure if Torment level makes a difference in Obducite drops.
As you can see, our farming method was to ignore all enemies and activate Beacons, and if for some reason we didn’t reach the highest level in the last part, we killed some enemies, just to make sure we always had maximum coordination.
Once again, the build we used was not optimized for fast clearing, so you also got that amount of Obducite with your build. This means that if you use a fast farming build, in 1 hour you can easily get even close to 30,000 Obducite! Ridiculous!
However, there is a minor problem, and that is finding Tribute. You need to complete Dark Citadel, get Tree of Whispers caches, or you can always do Infernal Hordes and exchange the remaining Aether for Obducite, Gem Fragments, and you will definitely get 1 Tribute of Refinement.
That’s it! Finally, please tell us which method is better for you? Do you have a scavenging build that helps you farm Obducite faster? Do you have any other better farming tips to share? See you next time!
Diablo 4 Season 7 Best Bash Barbarian Build: How To Make Your Barbarian More Powerful In Damage? - Skills & Gear
In the latest Diablo 4 Season 7, you may be surprised by the increased damage ability of Barbarian, because in previous seasons, this Class was abandoned by many players because of its strong survivability but insufficient damage ability. Among the many Barbarian builds, Bash Barbarian has become the most powerful and versatile dominant build this season.
Bash Barbarian build is good at directly rotating around Bash to cause high damage, while using the right skills and gear to achieve the maximum effect of effectively dealing with group enemies and single target enemies, which is very rare in Season 7.
It can be seen that it is very important to choose some of the best skills and gear for this outstanding Bash Barbarian build. In order to reduce the time and energy cost you spend on trying, this guide will introduce you to some build options suitable for this build, and you can make timely choices according to your game style and combat needs.
About Bash Barbarian Build
Bash Barbarian build is a powerful alternative to the traditional Barbarian build, adding more versatility and playability, allowing players familiar with or unfamiliar with the class to show its maximum effectiveness. However, it is worth noting that this build requires weapon Tempering, so its upgrade speed is relatively slow in the early stages of the game, but once it passes this stage, the strength of the build will increase rapidly.
Active Skills
Bash Barbarian build differs from Barbarian meta build that appeared this season. It does not rely on Fury, but Bash, which is your main and cost-free ability in this build. With its help, you can deal tremendous damage in both AOE and single-target situations, and it will also guarantee Overpower to enhance your Hammer of the Ancients Skill.
After that, there are some common skill choices, such as Shouts to enhance the mobility, damage and survivability of your build; Rupture can give you a large buff to your sustained attack speed. Here are some active skills you can choose for Bash Barbarian build in D4S7 and the skill points they require.
- Bash - 5
- Hammer of Ancients - 1
- Rupture - 1
- Steel Grasp - 1
- War Cry - 1
- Challenging Shout - 1
- Wrath of the Berserker - 1
Once you have all the above active skills equipped, you can start the encounter with Challenging Shout, which immediately increases your survivability and increases your Fury generation. If you have boots that reduce skill cooldowns, such as Yen’s Blessing boots, you can continue to be active for the duration of the encounter.
After that, you pop Wrath of the Berserker for a damage bonus and immunity to crowd control. The advice here is to spend a lot of Diablo 4 Gold to max out this skill so that you get more damage buffs. Then you use Steel Grasp to close the gap and apply Vulnerability to the enemy to activate Paingorger’s Gauntlets.
At this point, you can continue to use Bash to deal continuous damage to the enemy until it reaches Overpower to trigger Hammer of the Ancients. You should also use Rupture as much as possible to get the attack speed bonus. If conditions permit, you can activate your Warcry during combat via LithOhm Rune combination to further increase damage and gain additional Berserking effects.
Passive Skills
In fact, for Bash Barbarian build, your focus is also on the damage ability and elemental resistance of the entire build. Although Barbarian has strong physical resistance, it is also very vulnerable to enemies that release super strong elemental damage. The following are some passive skills that can be recommended to you and the points required.
- Warpath - 3
- Martial Vigor - 3
- Tough as Nails - 1
- Imposing Presence - 3
- Belligerence - 3
- Aggressive Resistance - 3
- Prolific Fury - 3
- Slaying Strike - 3
- Raid Leader - 3
- Booming Voice - 3
- Guttural Yell - 1
- Pit Fighter - 3
- Wallop - 3
- No Mercy - 1
- Slaying Strike - 3
- Thick Skin - 1
- Counteroffensive - 3
- Defensive Stance - 1
- Heavy Handed - 3
- Brute Force - 1
- Wallop - 3
- Key Passive: Unconstrained
Witchcraft Powers & Occult Gems
In the current Season 7, two new Diablo 4 Items, Witchcraft Powers and Occult Gems, have been added, which increases the diversity of builds that players can make in the game. They will provide you with very beneficial buffs in different aspects of your build, and for Bash Barbaria build, you can pick the following build options for it.
- Soul Harvest - Drain life force from nearby enemies.
- Aura Specialization - Increases the size of your aura and slightly buffs the damage of your critical strikes.
- Piranhado - It draws together swarms of enemies.
- Hex of Whispers - Deals additional shadow damage.
- Aura of Siphoning - It gives off a healing aura.
- Breath of the Coven - Increases attack speed.
- Friend of the Bog - Increases skill damage, armor, resistance and health.
- Phantom String - Increases damage.
- Toadling’s Wish - Growth and Decay Witch powers are 35% more powerful.
When choosing gear for Bash Barbarian build, you should pay attention to weapon slots and armor slots as much as possible, because these two are the most critical attribute concentration points of the entire build. It is worth mentioning here that although Barbarian focuses on outputting physical damage, in the current season, you can cleverly combine this damage ability with fire damage.
The following are some gear you can choose for Bash Barbarian build, but some of them require you to invest a lot of Diablo 4 Gold and energy to cultivate in D4. You can replace them with some items with similar attributes according to your needs.
- Ugly Bastard Helm - Helm
- Shroud of False Death - Chest
- Paingorger’s Gauntlets - Glove
- Hectic Runic Leggins - Pants
- Yen’s Blessing - Boots
- Bonebreaker of the Moonrise - Melee Weapon 1
- Shard of Verathiel - Melee Weapon 2
- Obsidian Blade of Earthquakes - Melee Weapon 3
- Demonblade of the Inner Calm - Melee Weapon 4
- Amulet of Adaptability - Amulet
- Edgemaster’s Band - Ring
- Ring of Starless Skies - Ring
The above are some suitable skills and gear for you to choose for Bash Barbarian build in D4 Season 7. Once again, the items and skills provided for you here are based on the attributes and statistics shown in the current game, but since each player’s play style and build ideas are different, some of them allow you to make timely adjustments. I wish you a happy game!
Diablo 4 Season 7 Leveling Up Bug: Players Can Level Up to Max Level Almost Instantly!
It’s been a while since the release of Diablo 4 Season of Witchcraft. So far, everything seems to be working well in Diablo 4 Season 7, with no major bugs. The developers are actively tweaking the game, and in the latest patch, they adjusted the UI of Headhunt and enhanced some Witch Powers.
However, recently some players have discovered a way to level up quickly a new character in the new season without doing anything, provided that you have another character with high levels and good equipment.
How Does It work?
This method was posted by Reddit user Last_Garage_2346. He played the game as a Barbarian. Last_Garage_2346 focused on Whispers quest until he stored 30 reward chests. These 30 rewards are stored in Stash. Then he switched to his other character, Rogue. Since Stash is shared between each character, Last_Garage_2346 successfully took out 30 endgame chests from Stash.
In this process, the rewards originally belonging to Barbarian were transferred to Rogue, which allowed Rogue to gain a lot of experience in a short period and reach the maximum level of 60 in a very short time.
Upgrading to the maximum level is not a big problem. More importantly, this process provides a lot of Diablo 4 Gold, equipment, weapon materials, etc. for the player’s new character. It is no exaggeration to say that you can get nearly 900 weapons and equipment for your new character in one go. Whatever builds you want to play can be formed almost immediately. This saves you a lot of time. You can even get Glyphs, and Tempering Manuals for your new character.
Last_Garage_2346 said that he spent less than three hours to farm all the treasure chests, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the time it takes for players to upgrade normally.
In fact, this vulnerability is not a new vulnerability in Season 7. The developers fixed this bug in last year’s patch, but it somehow made a comeback in Season 7. Regardless, this bug can help players save a lot of replay time by giving new characters almost all the equipment they need to complete a build. If you don’t plan to use this bug and want to be a normal player, you will first need to spend a lot of time to upgrade your character to the maximum level, and then you will also need to spend time farming golds, materials, props, etc. Then you need to get a set of suitable equipment for your character, and your character can really play its due power.
In Season of Witchcraft, the main content of the player’s farming cycle is Whisper, and then opening the treasure chests you get in your Stash. The XP gained in this process may not matter to your max-level character, but it is actually considerable for a new character. So when you use this bug to level up your new character, you are actually farming Whisper and XP at the same time.
Is It Necessary To Use This Bug?
Diablo 4’s Lunar New Year event is currently underway, which can bring buffs to players and increase the experience points they gain. This increases the speed at which players level up.
In addition, in Diablo 4 Season 7, since Witch Powers are owned by all accounts, when your main character unlocks all Witch Powers, your alt can also use them. This is a huge improvement for your alt. When you have the right Witch Powers, you can lower the difficulty level of the game appropriately, and then take the right Diablo 4 items and go farming a few times. The leveling up speed will be much faster than in previous seasons.
Whether it is using the upgrade loophole or the event experience bonus, it is actually reducing the player’s game time. This may be beneficial to players, as reducing the content of repeated games can allow players to focus on more content. But for developers, this loophole is obviously not good. One of the core gameplays of Diablo 4 that can retain players is to obtain equipment through farming enemies and then level up. This loophole basically skips this process for players and directly allows players to open the treasure chest. This may bring a lot of pleasure to players in a short period, but after one or two times, players will get tired of it and switch to other games. This is definitely what developers don’t want to see.
The loophole in Diablo 4 Season 7 allows players to realize the endgame build of new characters at a very low cost by transferring endgame treasure chest resources across characters, essentially bypassing the core cycle of character growth, which is equipment accumulation and skill grinding.
Although this loophole can save you hundreds of hours of repetitive work, it also eliminates the core fun of Diablo series, so you need to think carefully about whether you really need to exploit this loophole. In addition, this loophole may be fixed soon. If you want to use this loophole, you have to hurry.
Diablo 4 Season 7 Best Barbarian Leveling Build: How To Make Your Leveling Process Easier? - Skills & Gear
In the season change of Diablo 4, the build you use in the game will be divided into leveling builds and endgame builds according to different end goals. The criterion for judging the best leveling build is that your character levels up very quickly.
But unfortunately, even in Season 7, Barbarian still upgrades very slowly, which makes it very difficult to make the best Barbarian leveling build. However, due to its enhanced attack ability in the current season, you can enhance its killing speed and mobility through some of the build options you choose for it, making this build more powerful.
To cut down on the cost of time and energy spent on crafting your build, this guide will show you the right skills and gear to place in your best Barbarian leveling build, so that you can target farming for these specific items or attributes during the exploration process to achieve your goal of getting into the endgame stage faster.
Best Barbarian Leveling Build Overview
In fact, the best Barbarian leveling build in the current season is a variation of Bleed Thorns Barbarian build, which is more suitable for clearing regular enemies or monsters during the leveling stage rather than difficult boss encounters. And in the improved Barbarian build, the ability to clear large groups of monsters will be greatly increased, which is very suitable for leveling stages that need to farm a lot of experience points and Diablo 4 Gold.
Active Skills
As just introduced, in this best Barbarian leveling build, all you need to focus on is the damageability of Barbarian in the process of clearing enemies and maps, especially Thorns with a lot of continuous damage. So when you choose active skills for it, please prioritize skills that can cause more damage to Thorns, and then skills that can effectively control groups of enemies. Here are some active skills that can be recommended for you.
- Flay
- Rend
- Challenging Shout
- Rallying Cry
- Rupture
- Wrath of the Berserker
With the skill points you have, you only need to maximize Rend and Wrath of the Berserker, as they provide more and better benefits to your build. The rest of the skill points can be used to invest in your passive skills or upgrade them to higher levels to obtain any other active skills that are useful for your build.
Passive Skills
Again, when picking passive skills, you also need to focus on those that can increase your Thorns damage. The rest of you can choose passive skills in the order to improve offensive ability, defensive ability, and quality of life. Here are some passive skills recommended for you and some specific skill points.
- Endless Fury
- Imposing Presence
- Belligerence
- Outburst
- Tough as Nails
- Swiftness
- Thick Skin (1/3)
- Defensive Stance
- Counteroffensive
- Pit Fighter
- No Mercy
- Heavy Handed
- Gushing Wounds
Two passives to look out for here are Outburst and Tough as Nails, which can significantly increase your Thorns damage, especially when you have a lot of max health. Also worth mentioning is Gushing Wounds, which increases your bleed damage in proportion to your build’s critical hits, making it easier to get a one-hit kill.
But if you don’t care about critical hits, you can also replace it with Barbed Carapace, which will increase the damage of your already very powerful Thorns in your build.
Witchcraft Powers
Once you enter Season 7, you will be amazed by the 25 different Witchcraft Powers available to you this season. You can use them to make your build more powerful offensively and defensively, and for the current best Barbarian leveling build, you can choose from the following powers.
- Aura of Siphoning: It poisons all nearby enemies, and when upgraded, the siphon aura heals you when you deal damage.
- Shaken Soul: Eldritch power applies Vulnerability to enemies, and when upgraded, this effect is also applied by Psyche and Growth & Decay powers for half the duration.
- Aura of Misfortune: Slows down non-boss enemies. Upgrading it will increase your movement speed, potentially making you immune to attacks from nearby enemies.
- Hex of Whispers: Every 5 seconds, inflict a Hex of Whispers on the next damage dealt. The target takes shadow damage and passes Hex to another target.
- Soul Harvest: When you use the cooldown, you get a bonus Primary Core Stat for each nearby enemy.
- Vengeful Spirit Savant: Every some seconds, you summon a Vengeful Spirit that lasts for some seconds. This spirit absorbs all damage you take.
Since Occult Gems, another new Diablo 4 Items in this season, can only be crafted in the endgame, we won’t be covering the gems that can be put into an optimal Barbarian endgame build here.
Like the skills you choose for this optimal Barbarian leveling, the build you pick here will also be centered on increasing Thorns and Bleed damage. Here are the recommended items to put in each gear slot, but be aware that some Uniques and Legendary Aspects will require you to spend a lot of time and Diablo 4 Gold to farm.
- Aspect of Might - Helmet
- Aspect of Disobedience - Chest Armor
- Aspect of Anger Management - Gloves
- Undying Aspect - Pants
- Craven Aspect - Boots
- Aspect of Inevitable Fate - Amulet
- Aspect of The Umbral - Ring 1
- Aspect of Berserk Fury - Ring 2
- Needleflare Aspect - 2H Bludgeoning
- Aspect of Burning Rage - 1H Weapon 1
- Vehement Brawler’s Aspect - 1H Weapon 2
When you have all the above gear in your build, they will work perfectly with Witchcraft Powers you chose: you will always be Berserking and Fortified, and your movement speed will always be increased. More importantly, enemies will always be Vulnerable, which will make your other damage types more powerful.
That’s all the skills and gear options for making an optimal Barbarian leveling build in Diablo 4 Season 7. Hopefully, with the help of the items and skills in this guide, you can get through this very long stage faster and challenge the bosses in the endgame stage as soon as possible.
By the way, if your progress in D4 is very slow or even stagnant because of lack of gold or items, you can use the giveaway channel in IGGM Discord to get some gifts, which may make your exploration more comfortable. Have fun playing!
Diablo 4 Season 7 Occult Gems: What Do You Need To Craft Them?
In Diablo Season 7, Witch Powers is the theme of this season. Occult Gems are also new items in Season 7. They can be used with Witch Powers to exert greater power.
Unlike Witch Powers, Occult Gems require players to collect materials to craft. And crafting Occult Gems does not require gold, but many fragments, and you also need to participate in Headhunts and collect Fugitive Heads. Occult Gems are more powerful than ordinary gems, and their performance is much better than traditional gems. Each Occult Gem can provide your character with high armor and other effect bonuses.
Occult Gems
There are three different types of mysterious gems:
- Magic Rarity
- Rare Rarity
- Legendary Rarity
The higher the rarity, the better the effect of these Occult Gems. At the same time, each gem can provide your character with 8% of all resistances and 160 armor. To make Occult Gems of different rarity, you need Occult Gems of the previous rarity as raw materials. Magic Rarity Occult Gems need Fugitive Heads to make.
If you want to make Occult Gems quickly, you need to participate in Headhunts a lot. Not only can you get Fugitive Heads in this event, you can also get a lot of fragments and Diablo 4 Gold.
Magic Rarity Occult Gems
1. Wicked Pact
Common Eldritch Powers are 25% more potent.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Amethyst Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
2. Heart Of Anima
Common Psyche Powers are 25% more potent.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Sapphire Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
3. Toadling’s Wish
Common Growth & Decay Powers are 25% more potent.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Emerald Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
4. Phantom String
Deal 15% increased Overpower Damage to Hexed enemies.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
5. Elder Sigil
Agility, Corpse, Incarnate, Mastery, Weapon Mastery, and Wrath skills deal 25% increased direct damage to Hexed enemies.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Ruby Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
6. Vulture Talon
While you have an Aura active, DoT effects tick 50% faster.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Topaz Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
7. Pointed Finger
Summons deal 15% more direct damage to Hexed Elites.
- 1,000 Restless Rot
- 50,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Fugitive Head
Rare Rarity Occult Gems
1. Killing Wind
While you have three or more Eldritch powers equipped, gain 15% Critical Strike Chance and 25% Movement Speed.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Elder Sigil
- 1 Wicked Pact
2. Cornucopia
While you have three or more Growth & Decay powers equipped, generate 30% more Barrier and Fortify, and gain 30% more Thorns.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Vulture Talon
- 1 Toadling’s Wish
3. Hungering Void
As you have an Aura active, pull Nearby enemies toward you every 8 seconds.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Elder Sigil
- 1 Wicked Pact
4. Vile Phylactery
Fatal damage is prevented when you have a Summon Witch Power. You then gain a Barrier equal to 100% of your Max Life, and all Summon Witch Powers are disabled for 6 seconds. Occurs once every 75 seconds.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Toadling’s Wish
- 1 Pointed Finger
5. Raging Enigma
Your Unique Witch Power deals 40% more damage.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Wicked Pact
- 1 Phantom String
6. Spiral Coin
While you have three or more Psyche powers equipped, gain 30% Crowd Control Duration and 20% Lucky Hit Chance.
- 75,000 Skull Fragments
- 1 Heart Of Anima
- 1 Phantom String
Legendary Rarity Occult Gems
1. Dust Stone
Enemies take 2.5% more damage for each Aura and Hex affecting them.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Toadling’s Wish
- 1 Phantom String
- 1 Hungering Void
2. Witching Hour
Every 1 second, the next Core skill you cast counts as an Eldritch Witch Power when you have three or more Eldritch powers equipped.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Pointed Finger
- 1 Phantom String
- 1 Killing Wind
3. Mind Wreath
While you have three or more Psyche powers equipped, your Defensive, Macabre, Trap Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Wicked Pact
- 1 Pointed Finger
- 1 Spiral Coin
4. Voice Of The Stars
While you have an Aura active, your Ultimate is treated as all Witchcraft Power tags and deals 10% more damage.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Elder Sigil 1 Heart of Anima
- 1 Raging Enigma
5. Friend Of The Bog
While you have three or more Growth & Decay equipped, gain 8% more Primary Core Stats, 10% Max Life, and Unhindered.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Wicked Pact
- 1 Vulture Talon
- 1 Vile Phylactery
6. Moonlight Ward
For each rank of your Unique Witchcraft Power, gain 3% Damage Reduction and 0.5% Maximum Resistance to All Elements.
- 100,000 Diamond Fragments
- 1 Heart of Anima
- 1 Elder Sigil
- 1 Cornucopia
It takes a lot of fragments to create Occult Gems. In addition to hunting monsters in Headhunt area to obtain fragments, you can also do Infernal Hordes quest and open the material box in this quest.
Many of the effects of Occult Gems are directly auxiliary to Witch Powers or are affected by Witch Powers. The two work together to exert greater power in Season 7. Choosing the right combination of Occult Gems and Witch Powers can greatly improve the efficiency of farming gold and defeating Bosses.
Players can first confirm which build they want to play in Season 7, then match Witch Powers for it according to the characteristics of the build, and finally choose Occult Gems based on Witch Powers. Occult Gems can only be placed in accessories, and only one can be placed at a time, so choose carefully. Don’t waste fragments to create an Occult Gem you don’t need.
Diablo 4 Season 7 Grim Favors Farming Guide: How To Farm Them In Headhunts?
As we all know, Grim Favors, as an important resource in Diablo 4 Season 7, is essential for advancing the overall game progress and completing character build. So, do you want to know how to farm them effectively and how to choose the best farming location? Don’t miss this guide!
Why Farm Headhunts?
First of all, when it comes to farming Grim Favors, the best way must be to clear Headhunt area. Why? In fact, the answer is very simple.
Headhunt area is a new area in Season 7, where you will find everything you need to achieve the goals of the new season endgame, including key materials to upgrade your Witch Powers to the highest level. More importantly, get the materials needed to make Occult Gems and farm Grim Favors, which will improve your reputation in The Coven.
The Best Strategy To Run Headhunt Efficiently
Next, we will show you a method that will allow you to get 1000 to 1200 Grim Favors per hour. What you do is jump from one Headhunt area to another to collect as many materials as possible. This method is much better than staying in one Headhunt area until it expires.
To try this strategy, you first open the map, search for a Headhunt area with a low remaining time but no less than 10 minutes, so that you have enough time to farm it as well as possible and head there.
Once you arrive, you need to perform Whispers. Once you have collected them, you ignore everything else and jump directly to another area. Following this method, you can probably farm 4 to 6 Headhunt areas per hour.
Grim Favors Multiplier
In addition to this, one thing we need to know is the number of Grim Favors you can get per Torment level. To explain this as simply as possible, you only need to understand a multiplier here.
Let’s say you killed a Blood Maiden, at Torment 1, a Blood Maiden is worth 5 Grim Favors, but multiplied by 10, so killing a Blood Maiden gives you 50 Grim Favors. At Torment 4, a Blood Maiden is still worth 5 Grim Favors, but the multiplier is 20, so this will give us 100 Grim Favors.
To make things easier, the following list of Whispers you need to farm already shows the multiplier. So don’t panic when you see that you need to collect 1000 Grim Favors, that’s the equivalent of killing a Blood Maiden or Seething Abomination or Fugitive Heads 10 times in Torment 4.
Here are the 5 Whispers you should complete in each Headhunt area:
1. Fugitive Whisper
- Normal: 5 Grim Favors
- Torment 1 (x10): 50 Grim Favors
- Torment 4 (x20): 100 Grim Favors
Your main goal in each Headhunt area is to kill the enemies in the area, they may spawn two types of bosses, the first is Headless Husk, and the other is Fugitive Heads. As the name suggests, the difference between the two is that one will drop Heads and the other will not. Just like Blood Maiden in Helltide, you can farm these bosses endlessly, but to do so, you need to click on Exposed Roots that have a chance to spawn an Uprooted Cacoon.
The good thing about grinding these bosses is that we no longer need to spend time collecting summoning materials, all you need to do is complete activities in the area and interact with Exposed Root, this alone will give you a chance to spawn an Uprooted Cacoon. In simple terms, when you are in the area, an orange Cacoon icon and notification will appear on the map, please immediately drop what you are doing and go to that place to kill the boss.
2. Harvest Whisper
- Normal: 3 Grim Favors
- Torment 1 (x10): 30 Grim Favors
- Torment 4 (x20): 60 Grim Favors
This Whisper will require you to kill specific types of enemies, which will drop orange orbs that you need to collect. Once you have enough orbs, remember to deposit them on Altar to claim Whisper. You just need to open the map and search for Harvest icon, where you will find Altar. This can be done quickly.
I strongly recommend going to Altar as soon as you complete it, because if you don’t, there is a high chance that you will forget to claim them. Trust me, this happens a lot.
3. Purge The Rot Whisper
- Normal: 3 Grim Favors
- Torment 1 (x10): 30 Grim Favors
- Torment 4 (x20): 60 Grim Favors
This Whisper is also quick to complete, you need to kill 150 Headrotten monsters, this is easy to achieve, especially if you are around Uprooted Cacoon area and keep clicking on Exposed Root, but generally speaking they will spawn from anywhere.
4. Patrol Whisper
- Normal: 3 Grim Favors
- Torment 1 (x10): 30 Grim Favors
- Torment 4 (x20): 60 Grim Favors
Here you need to find NPC guard, you can find it on the map by the sword and shield icon, all you need to do is follow him until the 120 monsters in the orange circle are killed.
5. Shepherd Whisper
- Normal: 3 Grim Favors
- Torment 1 (x10): 30 Grim Favors
- Torment 4 (x20): 60 Grim Favors
Another Whisper we recommend is Shepherd. There you will find 4 lost animals and you need to escort them back to a safe zone, which happens to be a tree. Every time you interact with an animal, some monsters will appear, just kill them so the animal is free, then follow the animal back to the tree.
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Why Aren’t The Other Whispers Worth Completing?
Sure, there are other activities that give you 60 Grim Favors, like Wisps Whisper, but they take longer. So overall, they’re not worth it. And the other Whispers only give you 20 Grim Favors, so even if they’re cool or fun, it’s totally not worth it. You can make better use of your time by heading to another area, so just ignore them.
Once you have finished all Whispers mentioned above, leave this area and go to the next area with less time remaining and repeat.
Other Tips
Catching Caches At Ravens
Besides this, the most important tip we can give you is to check your Whisper progress and pick up caches at Ravens immediately. This is crucial because you don’t want to notice that your progress is always 0 after you have been happily killing and farming.
So why Raven? Because it is a brilliant move by the developers, it allows us to store Whispers instead of teleporting back to Tree of Whispers. Hopefully, they will implement this mechanism in Helltide in the future.
Cleaning Up The Inventory
Another thing to consider is to keep your inventory clean and not pick up equipment that has no signs of higher affixes, so as to avoid being forced to discard some valuable items when your inventory is full in the later stages. Therefore, it is recommended that you can sell some items that you don’t need at the moment before you start farming, which will not only earn you extra Diablo 4 Gold but also clear your inventory as soon as possible.
Using Draught Of Whisper
Finally, be sure to open a bottle of Draught of Whisper before exploring Headhunts, which increases your chances of encountering Fugitive Heads by 50% and can be used with other potions.
To sum up, these are the best ways and noteworthy tips to farm Grim Favors in Headhunt area. If you follow this method, you can collect thousands of Grim Favors in a short period of time! Good luck!