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Buy New World Boosting

Buy New World Boosting

With each level, you will become more powerful, unlock additional abilities and content. In fact, the game just starts at level cap, and the faster you will get it, the more powerful your character will be.

So, that is why 60 level is very important in New World:

  • 190 attribute points for your character;
  • access to high-level gear, loot, and all dungeons;
  • ability to participate in Invasions and Outpost Rush;
  • all bag, Earring, and Ring slots;
  • tier 5 campfire;
  • ability to purchase 3 houses for fast travel.

For ordering the full entire 1-60 range of Leveling, you will get at least 5.000 guaranteed Coins as a Bonus!

What You Will Get

  • the character of the desired level in New World;
  • weapon progression;
  • some Coins obtained during leveling;
  • attribute points;
  • access to different abilities and content;
  • at least 400 gear score on 60 lvl;
  • Azoth Staff! Its level depends on chosen level range.

Start And Completion Time

  • your order will be started in the first 12 hours after the purchase;

  • completion time of 1-60 Boost is 12 days for Normal mode and just 6 days for the Extra Fast option!
  • NOTE: all information is based on the beta version of New World. Start and completion times could be changed after the official release.

How It Works

  • Place an order;
  • We'll contact you in the live chat or by email. All details would be clarified with you and the start time of the order would be confirmed;
  • We’ll find you a booster who fits in your schedule the best;
  • Demand a stream of your boost, if needed;
  • We're using VPN and virtual PC for each order - also no cheats, bots, or scripts. Everything is done by hand;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our services on IGGM.
  • If you still have some questions or want some unusual options for your leveling - feel free to text us! Even at 3:00 AM :) We're 24/7 online!


Ver MÁs >

Cambios importantes en la entrega de monedas del New World: debe saberlo

Recientemente, el funcionario de New World ha impuesto ciertas restricciones en el método de transacción de la moneda del juego (moneda). IGGM también ha realizado cambios en el método de entrega de New World Coins en el sitio web de acuerdo con los cambios en la política oficial.

Ahora, cuando realiza un pedido para comprar New World Coins (cualquier servidor), en la interfaz del carrito de compras, en la columna "INFORMACIÓN DE ENTREGA" que debe completar, el "Cara a cara" original se ha convertido en la "Casa de subastas" actual. . Debe estar al tanto de este cambio o es posible que no podamos entregar su pedido con éxito.

Notas adicionales:
1. Enumere un equipo (como ropa, zapatos, armas)
2. No cubrimos la tarifa de cotización ni la tarifa de venta

Captura de pantalla del método de entrega existente:

Le deseamos una agradable experiencia de compra en IGGM. Si desea comprar monedas del New World ahora, ¡hágalo! Buena suerte con tu vida y tu juego.

Newworld Boosting


  • US East
  • US West
  • EU Central
  • SA East
  • AP Southeast
Your level
Desired level

Speed Options

Additional Options


    • Don't choose any
    • Marauders
    • Covenant
    • Syndicate

    13 Days Order Completion

    ReseÑas De Trustpilot

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    • Instant Delivery
      Entrega Inmediata

      Siempre nos hemos comprometido a proporcionar a nuestros clientes una entrega rápida y un servicio excelente. Por lo general, el pedido se entrega en unos minutos o hasta 24 horas.

    • Refund
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