WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Boosting
Why Choose WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Boosting In
WoW Classic 20th Anniversary server is a new expansion launched by Blizzard to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of World of Warcraft, bringing new playable content to players. However, it still has many of the flaws of the old version of WoW Classic, and the game process is boring and sometimes may take weeks or even months to play. Not to mention that Classic 20th Anniversary includes a hardcore upgrade system, long quests, and a lot of boring tasks. Therefore, if you want to complete all the quest lines quickly or experience a smooth and enjoyable adventure, it may not be easy. However, you don’t have to worry, because the cheap WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Power Leveling for sale in IGGM can solve all the problems you encounter in the game!
The WoW Anniversary Boosting services provided on our website are diverse and can meet most of your needs, including:
- Power Leveling: Our professional boosters can help you reach any level within the level range in WoW Classic Fresh Realms, allowing you to quickly skip the boring XP grinding.
- Professions Kits Boost: We can also help you collect kits available for any profession up to level 300, so that you can optimize your character and get ahead of others in the shortest time!
Whether you don’t have time to spend weeks on leveling, or you have already played the original game and now want to start with a new character in the Classic 20th Anniversary server, or you are tired of the monotonous game process and want to experience the best part of the game, you can buy the Classic Anniversary Power Leveling service in and get the best gaming experience!
In short, buying WoW Classic 20th Anniversary boosting at will give you an easy and smooth gaming journey in the new Classic server, because all difficulties will be solved by us for you! With our help, you can start experiencing the exciting content at the highest level right away!
WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Boosting News
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WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Races: Which Are Alliance And Horde Have Respectively?
If you’ve only played modern World of WarCraft, you may not know the fun of races - in addition to class, race is one of the main factors affecting your character’s combat capabilities in WoW Classic. And if you want to experience this feature, now is the best time, because WoW Classic 20th Anniversary server has launched not long ago.
While the number of races and characteristics of WoW 20th Anniversary may change compared to the original server, the main feature that they can provide is utility and a lot of damage hasn’t changed.
For most WoW 20th Anniversary classes, there should be a race that suits them best, but unless you are a top-level player in the game, the difference between different races is relatively small. So if you have a particular like race in mind, you can definitely try it, unless you want to complete Molten Core raid better.
It is also worth noting that the races available will be different depending on whether you are Alliance or Horde. Therefore, we will introduce you to the major races in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary, using Alliance and Horde as classification standards.
Alliance Races
1. Human
This is the race with the most class combinations for Alliance, with playable classes including Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, and Warrior. Although the racial characteristics of Human are not as strong as other races, you can improve your reputation through diplomatic advantages after choosing this race.
Specifically, if you become a human, you will gain 10% reputation for each event you participate in. This is a very useful bonus that can save you a lot of WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold, because using other channels to improve reputation may take more time and gold.
2. Night Elf
The available classes for this race include Druid, Hunter, Priest, Rogue, and Warrior. It is also the only Alliance race in WoW 20th Anniversary that can play as a Druid. In addition, Night Elf has a very powerful Shadowmeld skill, which allows you to leave the battle and enter stealth mode when the battle situation is unfavorable, preventing the enemy from continuing to damage you.
3. Dwarf
When you become a Dwarf, you can have +10 frost resistance, or 5 additional gun skills and Stoneform by finding nearby treasures on the minimap. Among them, Stoneform can make you immune to bleeding, poisoning and diseases caused by enemies, and add a +10% armor for 8 seconds, which is very useful in PVP mode.
Read More: How To Unlock The Demon Motorcycle In WoW Classic 20th Anniversary?
But in fact, the real power of Dwarf is a special ability called Fear Ward, which is only available to Dwarfs playing Priest class. It can protect you from the effects of fear in the next round and provide you with a self-healing buff called Desperate Prayer.
4. Gnome
Gnome has relatively few classes to choose from in the game, which is why it is the race with the lowest number of players in Alliance. However, Gnome performs well in terms of skills, including +10 arcane resistance, 5% intelligence improvement, +15 engineering skills and Escape Artist, and the extra one-minute cooldown allows Gnome to get rid of negative effects such as imprisonment or reduced movement speed.
Horde Races
1. Orcs
If you become an Orc, you can choose one of Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior as your class. In addition, this race has Axe Specialization, which allows you to add skill 5 of one-handed and two-handed axes to yourself, Blood Fury with powerful melee damage, Command, which can increase the damage caused by warlock and hunter pets by 5%, and Hardiness, which can increase the resistance to stun effects by an additional 25%.
2. Tauren
This is the only Horde race that can become a Druid in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary, giving you +15 Herbalism skill, 5% increased health, +10 Nature resistance - useful when playing Ahn’Qiraj raid, and a powerful area stun skill War Stomp.
3. Troll
This race also has a lot of playable classes, and their racial abilities include 5% extra damage to beasts; 5 additional skills for bows and thrown weapons; Regeneration, which increases health regeneration by 10%, and better Berserking cooldown - giving you an extra 10 seconds of casting and attack speed each.
4. Undead
This race can play as Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, or Warrior. The most prominent racial ability is Cannibalize, which allows you to consume corpses over 10 seconds using a channeled spell to restore 35% of your health, which is most useful when you are playing solo.
Other racial abilities include +10 shadow resistance, Underwater Breathing, which increases the duration of the breath bar while swimming by 300%, and Will of the Forsaken, which makes you immune to charm, fear, or sleep for five seconds, or break free of these effects if you are already affected by them.
That’s it for all the playable races in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary. Thanks for reading.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Leveling Guide: How To Farm XP Faster?
It’s been a while since WoW Classic 20th Anniversary was released, so how’s your character leveling while revisiting Classic? If you’re looking for the best way to level up quickly, then don’t miss us! Whether you’re a new player who just got into the game, or an old player who’s planning to start over with an alt character, this guide will help you reach the highest level in the shortest time! Let’s get straight into it!
Before you start leveling, there are a few things to mention that can help you level up faster.
First, let’s talk about Heirlooms. Now, they no longer provide any XP boost. However, if you level them up to level 70, they do save you time by not having to deal with changing gear all the time. Now, this may actually be the only reason you want to get Heirlooms. If you don’t have this problem, we don’t recommend wasting your WoW 20th Anniversary Gold on it.
Now, there is also a potion called Draught of Ten Lands. This potion gives you a 10% XP boost and is only available up to level 49, but it still works after level 49. If you are Alliance and Dazar’alor, or Horde, you can get it in Boralus for five medals.
In addition, WoW 20th Anniversary also gives us the classic Timewalking Dungeons. These dungeons are very simple, and completing them will give you a lot of XP. Now, the best part is that they are immediately available at level ten. This means that you can visit Timewalking Dungeons every week, which is great for leveling up characters.
Then, there is also a new achievement in the game, which is a bit like the old Heirloom. This achievement basically gives you an increased XP buff for your entire account, and every time you bring a character to the level cap, your account will get a 5% buff. Sadly, the cap is now 25%, hopefully they will remove the cap so that people with a lot of max-level characters can go crazy!
Finally, I guess you also want to check out Darkmoon Faire. It’s available every first Sunday of every month and gives you an extra 10% boost.
Now, with all these XP boosts, let’s get started with leveling.
Levels 1-10
First, let’s emphasize that this section is only for those who don’t plan on leveling up an Allied Race, since those characters are already starting at level 10.
Now, when you create a new character, you can choose to level up in your race, the starting area, or Exile’s Reach. I highly recommend starting with Exile’s Reach because this is basically a newer beginner area that you can get through very quickly. And it’s a small area where you can complete some simple quests and pick up some WoW 20th Gold and treasure along the way. The best part is that Exile’s Reach can be completed in under an hour, and depending on your class, it could be even faster.
Levels 10-20
After completing Exile’s Reach or creating an Allied Race, head to Anniversary area in Tanaris to get an extra 10% XP boost, then grab Pet Mirror and use it on your pet.
There are two methods we can use to reach level 20. The first is by completing Timewalking Dungeons, as we mentioned before, these dungeons reward a ton of XP, and the queue times are pretty good right now. While this may change over time, at the moment even as a DPS, it only takes 2 to 5 minutes of queue time, which can help you farm XP very efficiently.
The only downside right now is that you can get stuck in a group if they don’t know what to do, and especially for tank characters, you can spend quite a bit of time in a dungeon.
So if you’re the only class that can tank, and you know what you’re doing, then I highly recommend trying the other method, which is to queue up as a tank and farm dungeons all the way to level 20. That way when you don’t feel like sitting in queue forever or dealing with people, you can just start quests in Legion timeline.
First, we have to go to Codex of Chromie and select Legion timeline, then we need to do quests around in Azsuna or Val’sharah until we reach level 20.
It’s worth noting that Dragonriding is now available from level 10, which means we can fly from one mission to another very quickly. In addition, if you find Legion Invasions on the map, be sure to complete all the world quests in the invasion area, they will give you a lot of XP and allow you to reach level 20 in a short time.
Levels 20-50
Next, the first thing you have to do to reach level 50 is to enable War Mode to get an additional 10% XP boost.
With War Mode enabled, we will be able to use Chromie time to level up in the old classic areas. It is recommended that you can go to the Cataclysm timeline, because there are a lot of simple tasks in these old areas that can be completed quickly. What’s more, because we can now access Dragonriding immediately, it usually only takes about 2 and a half hours for Alliance characters to complete all the tasks in Redridge Mountains and Loch Modan and reach level 50 and above.
Like we said before, your level may vary depending on your XP gain, but reaching level 40 and above should not be a problem.
Also, previously we mentioned Draught of Ten Lands, which is only available until level 49. But here’s a trick: if you drink it before you reach level 50, the buff will refresh and remain active. This means it will continue to work even after level 49.
Now, Horde characters can do quests in Silverpine Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, and then Arathi Highlands or Hinterlands areas. This is basically how to get past level 50 quickly. With all XP buffs, you can basically reach level 50 in less than 3 hours.
Levels 50-60
After completing all the quests in the three areas we mentioned earlier, we want to go back to Chromie and re-select our timeline.
Now, regardless of your faction, you will want to complete the introductory quests because they can be completed very quickly and will give you a lot of XP. After completing the entire quest, however, it is recommended that you continue to do quests until your Garrisons are set up. After that, you can fly directly to Gorgrond simply by completing Gorgrond’s introductory quest and three side quests.
If you don’t get the 25% XP boost you get from leveling five characters to the top, just keep completing Gorgrond’s side quests and bonus objectives until you reach level 60.
It took us a total of three hours of playtime to reach level 60, not including the time it took to set up XP buff at the beginning. If you’re fast enough, maybe your Draught of Ten Lands won’t expire yet!
But anyway, at the end of the day, it all comes down to what you enjoy most. There are many ways to level up quickly, but if you don’t like the idea of quickly completing quests or the leveling area I recommend, then go to another area. Whether it’s queuing for dungeons or taking on bosses, do whatever you want, because eventually you’ll still reach level 60. The most important thing is that you’re still doing what you want to do in WoW 20th Anniversary and enjoying it. Hope you have a great day!